For some reason Kristen Stewart is very popular so I thought that a few of you out there might be interested in seeing this new behind the scenes video where she’s topless. Granted you can’t actually see full-on boobage, but she’s technically topless nonetheless. Use your imagination.
Related: Kristen Stewart drops f-bombs, other choice words on a paparazzo
The video, shot for Balenciaga Rosabotanica, shows K-Stew topless with what appears to be vines growing out of and around her body. How very artsy-fartsy. Stewart says about the commercial, “It’s like she knows the environment so well that when the lens steps in to take a look at her, it’s like, ‘I’ve been here in my world for so long, now who’s looking at me?’ It looks like the vines are starting to grow into her and they’re becoming a part of her. She’s clearly very comfortable there and owning it a little bit more.”
Wow. It is just a commercial, right?
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