Calling a Miley Cyrus video the most WTF video made by her to date is no small statement either considering her impressive resume. But that’s exactly what this new video by Cyrus with The Flaming Lips and Moby called “Blonde SuperFreak Steals the Magic Brain” is.
There’s truly is nothing I can say here to properly describe this video, but I’ll try to hit some of the high points culled from the Rolling Stone description and let you sort the rest out for yourself.
There’s a naked blonde woman in it (NSFW!) who steals “John F. Kennedy’s brain” (I think) from Miley as she sleeps surrounded by pills. The brain apparently contains the original formula for LSD. Miley then gets a burned-faced Santa and a lesbian Bigfoot from a nearby spaceship to hunt this woman down. Oh yeah, Moby… he plays the evil, power-hungry cult leader who wants the brain. And that’s about all the sense I can make of it, if that even qualifies as making sense. Watch for yourself, but probably not at work unless you work at home.
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