Important film news: Naked Paz de la Huerta GIFs being used to promote ‘Nurse 3D’

Upcoming movie Nurse 3D is using GIFs of Paz de la Huerta naked from the waist down as well as some other very racy pictures in what might be the greatest movie marketing campaign of all time. Stuff like this is why we wish Paz de la Huerta was in every movie. She will literally do anything on, and off, the screen.

Related: You’ll be able to see Scarlett Johansson naked on April 4th

The lead banner on the site gets things rolling with a GIF of Paz riding a syringe wearing a skin tight latex nurse’s outfit basically giving the syringe a handy while it ejaculates blood. Then, once you get inside, you also get to see Paz completely naked with her back turned showing off her bare ass. It really is quite the unique promotional tool.

Of course I can’t actually show you the naked GIF of Paz (or much else from the site), but I can point you in the right direction, as is my duty. Oh yeah, Katrina Bowden is also in the flick. So that’s cool too.

Nurse 3D opens Februrary 7th. See you there!

H/T FilmDrunk