Reese Witherspoon and her husband Jim Toth were arrested in the early hours of Friday morning in Atlanta after the Georgia State Patrol pulled them over for driving in the wrong lane. But pulling them over was just the beginning of the fun. According to Variety, Toth was charged with DUI, but his wife Reese Witherspoon was also arrested for disorderly conduct. They even had to cuff her because, well…
“Mrs. Witherspoon began to hang out the window and say that she did not believe that I was a real police officer,” according to the police report. “I told Mrs. Witherspoon to sit on her butt and be quiet.”
Once Toth was placed under arrest, Witherspoon exited the vehicle and was instructed to get back in the car. According to the report, she “stated that she was a ‘US citizen’ and that she was allowed to ‘stand on American ground.’”
As the report details, “Mrs. Witherspoon asked, “Do you know my name?” I answered, “No, I don’t need to know your name.” I then added, “right now.” Mrs. Witherspoon stated, “You’re about to find out who I am.”
The report also specified, “Mrs. Witherspoon also stated, ‘You are going to be on national news.’ I advised Mrs. Witherspoon that was fine.”
How hilariously awesome is that? I think I am a bigger fan of hers now than I was before.
Witherspoon apologized the next day in a statement that said, “I clearly had one drink too many and I am deeply embarrassed about the things I said.”
Reese Witherspoon: ‘I’m Very Sorry for My Behavior’ [People]