Angelina Jolie is one of the coolest chicks on the planet for many reasons, one of which is that in her 39 years on this planet she’s jammed more stuff, not all of it good, into her life than most 90 year-olds.
We all know about all of her philanthropic work and the fact that she’s a cool mom and that unlike many in Hollywood she actually seems to “get it,” but back in the day Angie was a HARD partying sex pot and that’s when we were first drawn to her. How could someone so sexy be such a BAD girl?
The video, according to Radar, was shot by Jolie’s dealer at the time, Franklin Meyer. Meyer claims he delivered cocaine and heroin to her and videotaped the gaunt and makeup-free Jolie as she allegedly talked to her father, Jon Voigt, in her apartment at the time.
Pretty amazing that the woman we see on this video turned into the woman we see today, but as Jolie has said in the past, “I went through heavier, darker times and I survived them. I didn’t die young. So I’m very lucky. There are other artists and people that didn’t survive certain things … people can imagine that I did the most dangerous, and I did the worst…for many reasons, I shouldn’t be here.”
Related: Angelina Jolie’s new boobs looked ‘Magneficent’ at her movie premiere