“The SEC has the classiest fans in college football!” – No one, ever. It was a big weekend for fights at University of Arkansas tailgates on Saturday. Earlier this week we showed you a brawl in the parking lot at Little Rock, now we have video of a frat boy fight between Sigma Nu and SAE at a tailgate this past weekend. Note that uber hardo rock soundtrack! Also, the frat boys in suits. Who the hell tailgates in suits?
The best part is this cop wrestling a Bro to the ground:
Here’s the video. These frat boy fights are hilarious because it’s a bunch of people yelling and pushing each other without much ever happening.
Also, one more thing: Notice all the Croakie-wearing southern gentlemen in PFGs. Is there anything more douchey than wearing PFGs when you’re not on the water with a fishing rod in your hand? Can this terrible fratty fashion trend just die already?
[H/T: Barstool]