College Girls Partied Like Animals For Two Years, Resulting In Epic Letter From Landlord About Not Getting Their Security Deposit Back

In my years of bachelordom, I’ve lived with dudes, all of the same age. I’ve also lived (platonically) with chicks, all of the same age. It is an absolute myth — if not straight b.s. — that guys are messier than girls. Guys might leave the seat down to take the occasional 2AM drunken piss, but girls will leave stuff thrown all over said house/apartment and not clean it up for weeks.

A great item was sent to the BroBible Instagram this week. Here’s the note accompanying it:

Once upon a time in a trap house near [college redacted], 5 animalistic excuses for young women successfully managed to take a metaphorical shit on the property they leased. Over two years worth of damage and one instance of the state versus our cat resulted in this letter. Needless to say we did not get our deposit back.

Attached was a letter from said landlord, who definitely isn’t happy about how his property was maintained by his tenants over their final two years in college. Here’s how the landlord opened up, mentioning whatever incident that went down with their cat:


Here’s the landlord’s assessment. It sounds like they went full Animal House on this property:


I almost wish they had pictures of “the dirtiest toilet and shower that I’ve seen in the past 6 years” just so I can throw up my lunch. And, finally, an itemized breakdown:

Here’s the letter in whole. It has a very “sorry for partying” feel.

As a reminder, if you have something mildly amusing that you think we should post about here on BroBible, you can e-mail our tip line, hit us up on Instagram, or hit us up on Snapchat.

This is what I imagine this “animalistic excuses for young women” looking like every single weekend. Not going to lie, as a certified hot mess myself, all I feel right now love and hear wedding bells.

Brandon Wenerd is BroBible's publisher, helping start this site in 2009. He lives in Los Angeles and likes writing about music and culture. His podcast is called the Mostly Occasionally Show, featuring interviews with artists and athletes, along with a behind-the-scenes view of BroBible. Read more of his work at Email: