Florida State Frat Bro Sends ‘I’m Coming Home’ E-mail to Entire Company Upon End of Internship

August is a special month when you’re 20-years-old. Summer starts slowing to a halt as the anticipation of the upcoming fall college semester begins. Unlike when you were a kid, you actually WANT to return to school because it’s your friends and antics are. It means the monotony of your summer job/internship is grinding to a halt and you can get back to your righteous 20-something state of sleeping in until noon every day and partying your face off five nights a week.

This morning a Florida State bro wrote us about the e-mail he sent his entire office upon completing his 12 week internship as a desk jockey.

If his company is anything like ours, something tells me the replies from co-workers are going to be more amusing than the e-mail itself:

I’m entering my sophomore year at Florida State and I’m excited to be returning to my college town.  I just completed my 12 week internship at an office and suffered through countless meetings, sitting at my desk with nothing to do, and being “Paper Bitch #1.”   A summer of working 8-5 can take a toll on a young frat star’s soul.

When it came time for me to leave I felt it appropriate to leave in style.  Although 70% of the 250 employees never knew I exist, they will all remember my name.  I decided to send this mass email to the whole staff on my day of departure.

Just to prove it was legit, he sent over a screencap his Outlook inbox, which was piled up with replies from co-workers.

Fellow Co-Workers,

As some of you may know today is my last day as an intern.  Before anyone cared where I would work this summer, I was a college kid attending Florida State.  It’s where I walked.  It’s where I slept.  It’s where I studied.  It holds a special place in my heart.  My relationship with Tallahassee is bigger than work.  I didn’t realize that 12 weeks ago.  I do now.

These past 12 weeks have shaped me into a better employee and student.  I will always think of “Company”  as a place I can revisit when I’m in town.  I came here because of Adam and was quickly trained by Isabel.  I loved showing Jake (the other intern) the ropes.  It’s going to be tough to leave everyone on the sales team.  I also want to thank Will, Adam, Brenda, and the sales team for giving me an amazing 12 weeks.

I always believed that I’d return to Tallahassee, I just didn’t know when.  Actually, I did, we set the time frame of the internship before my first day.  Regardless, to make the move I needed the support of my car, which is running smoothly so I shouldn’t have a problem.

I’m not promising an early graduation.  I know how hard that is to deliver.  I’m not ready right now.  No way.  Of course, I want to graduate in a couple years, but I’m realistic.  It will be a long process, much longer than it was in my Loggers Run Middle School days.  My patience will be tested.  I know that.  I’m going into a city with young minds and I will be the old head.  I see myself as a mentor now and I’m excited to share the wealth of knowledge I’ve gained here with my fellow peers.

I feel my calling here goes above work.  I have a responsibility to lead, in more ways than one, and I take that very seriously.  My presence can make a difference at “Company”, but I think it can mean more in Tallahassee.  I want kids from surrounding high schools, like the one I attended, to realize there’s no better place to go to college.  Maybe some of them will come to “Company” after college.  That would make me smile.  Our community, which hasn’t struggled at all (2014 National Champs), will still take all the talent it can get.

In Tallahassee, Florida, a lot is actually given.  I’m prepared to sleep in, attend games, not work, and miss a few classes.

I’m ready to accept the challenge.  I’m coming home.

If you have a funny e-mail, picture, video, story, etc for BroBible, e-mail it to us here.

Brandon Wenerd is BroBible's publisher, helping start this site in 2009. He lives in Los Angeles and likes writing about music and culture. His podcast is called the Mostly Occasionally Show, featuring interviews with artists and athletes, along with a behind-the-scenes view of BroBible. Read more of his work at brandonwenerd.com. Email: brandon@brobible.com