Penn State Bro REALLY Wants Dudes To Burn Their Man Buns Off So They Can Be Manly Again


Back in November, we told you about a Bro at Penn State who decided to rid himself of his man bun in the most epic way imaginable: Literally lighting it on fire. Man buns are dead to Bros, so it’s a fitting requiem for a dumb hair cut that literally makes you bald.

The same Penn State Bro has convinced his friends that burning their man buns is the only way to get rid of them. So he sent us another video giving his buddy a proper man bun funeral. If you hate man buns as much as most Bros do, seeing one in flames is downright glorious.

I reached out to Jake at Penn State to see why burning man buns off needs to catch on. Here’s his response:

Did it hurt when you burnt your man bun off?

Well, with every victory comes some pain. But the justice of eliminated the most controversial hairstyle that became apart of our culture was sweet. I like to keep up with the trends, and after growing my hair for a 3-4 months I was trapped in the “MANBUN PROCESS.”

What kind of reactions did your man bun get that led to you killing it with fire?

Don’t get me wrong, man buns have their advantages. If you have any sense of formulating a sentence, the man bun will take care of the rest with the girls. But girls our not our main objective when your eyes on the prize “MONEY” and your social image. All bros know that in order to sustain the corporal worlds image you need that combover tight fade to set your image. Although it got its attention from the girls. A true bro can pull that without an onion on their head. So society wise although it became more and more normal to see a bun. Realistically your that guy. Success comes from image and no Forbes CEO is going to take a man bun series regardless of what it has become in society because true man don’t need a scrunchy in their hair. Jordan Belford didn’t rock a man bun, why should you?

Why should dudes start burning their man buns off?

Although my friends and family tried to brainwash me to get rid of the man bun and ultimately succeeded with a blow torch and a hundred dollars. I did have my pride in my bun. I mean who wouldn’t after contributing literally over a year to formulate an permanent Halloween onion costume. I’m from Brooklyn, NY and always like to keep pace with these trends. For example, I had my man bun for a year before kids on campus started growing theirs.

But let’s face it every trend dies, and with every trend dying, a new one is formulated. The burning of my man bun was a spontaneous during an epic weekend. Yet I woke up the next morning with a new hope for society — The man bun trend is officially over, yet people have not gotten the message. So I took matters to my own hands to form a better trend to give males their masculinity back, and set the trend of the properly putting your man bun down and become a man again. Yet it’s in a way you can cherish its memory with the most epic funeral.

People are rapidly responding to this trend. So if you have a man bun, trust me, the girls will still be there once its off. Your wonderful parents is what gave you your moneyface, not the onion trace. The goal is to stop the knots.

Ultimately, I know that the time put in to obtain that man bun is what is keeping it on your head till now. Don’t get me wrong — it is tough to eliminate — but it’s even tougher to live looking that stupid, as i did. Now I am making it my obligation to eliminate this inhumane hairstyle and set the trend across America and the world for all man bunners to one by one drop the bun.

So get creative and join my trend and let your man bun go properly with a “SUITABLE MAN BUN FUNERAL”

Brandon Wenerd is BroBible's publisher, helping start this site in 2009. He lives in Los Angeles and likes writing about music and culture. His podcast is called the Mostly Occasionally Show, featuring interviews with artists and athletes, along with a behind-the-scenes view of BroBible. Read more of his work at Email: