Roof Packed With 30 College Kids Collapses At Cal-Poly’s ‘St. Fratty’s Day’ Party

Scary scene at Cal-Poly this afternoon, where eight were injured when a roof with 30 college students collapsed during the school’s “St. Fratty’s Day” party. Watch a video of the party above. What’s also terrifying about this is that it happend at Cal-Poly, a school with A LOT of engineers that was ranked the #7 best engineering school in the country, according to U.S. News and World Report.You think they would know a couple things about weight load and distribution on free-standing structures.

News on the roof collapse via Cal-Poly’s student newspaper, Mustang News:

According to SLO City Fire Department Battalion Chief Bob Bisson, all but two students were able to remove themselves from the scene on their own and walk toward Campus Bottle where a temporary medical station was set up.

Two students remained trapped. One of the two had a severe injury. “She had a large wood splinter from the roofing material that impaled her left leg and she was still laying in the debris pile, so we got her out and assisted another person that was laying nearby,” Bisson said. The injury was not life threatening, Bisson said.

San Luis Obispo Police Department Captain Chris Staley said that no citations or arrests were made prior to the incident. “We only had five officers out at that point,” Staley said. “They were instructed get in the neighborhood and see what was going on.”

Here’s a video of the moment the roof collapsed.

I know that spring party season on college campuses is just about in full-swing, but it goes without saying to BE CAREFUL OUT THERE and not do something stupid, like what happened here. You’re smarter than this, Cal-Poly kids.

If anyone has any more pics, videos, or details from the event, please send them to us so we can update this post. brandon [at]

[H/T: Gawker]

Brandon Wenerd is BroBible's publisher, helping start this site in 2009. He lives in Los Angeles and likes writing about music and culture. His podcast is called the Mostly Occasionally Show, featuring interviews with artists and athletes, along with a behind-the-scenes view of BroBible. Read more of his work at Email: