A Video Tour of Sig Ep’s $5 Million Frat Castle at Virginia Tech That They Just Lost

Embeding for the video is disabled (… which is super lame…who does that? seriously?! blogger's worst nightmare), so CLICK TO WATCH on the image of this dude in his room below: 

CLICK TO WATCH: A Video Tour of Sig Ep's $5 Million Frat Castle That They Just Lost: 

Phase IV Community of Oak Lane: The Sigma Phi Epsilon House from VT Student Affairs on Vimeo.

Brandon Wenerd is BroBible's publisher, helping start this site in 2009. He lives in Los Angeles and likes writing about music and culture. His podcast is called the Mostly Occasionally Show, featuring interviews with artists and athletes, along with a behind-the-scenes view of BroBible. Read more of his work at brandonwenerd.com. Email: brandon@brobible.com