University of Rhode Island Kids Started Throwing Beer Bottles When a Day Party Got Too TURNT UP

Geez, guys. Yesterday was apparently a big day party at the University of Rhode Island, home of Rhody the Ram. To prove that Rhode Island isn’t just an afterthought state that you drive through on I-95 on the way to Boston, the kids there ended up getting extra TURNT UP, resulting in some stupidity from a few bad apples in the student body. For some reason everyone started throwing beer bottles, which — in case you didn’t know — could kill you if you took one lopped 50 feet away to the skull. Our insider tells us that cops came to break things up, but that doesn’t mean these kids lobbing beer bottles into a crowd aren’t idiots.

URI — how low are your admission standards these days?

Via our tipster:

Long time BroBible follower, but its my first time doing this. Thought I’d show my school some love. Yesterday, May 3rd, there was a block party at the local party neighborhood known as Eastward. The day rage got bigger and bigger. Things got pretty wild and people started tossing tons of bottles and even mailboxes into the street. Eventually a ton of cops and staties broke it up, but not before some savagery happened. I always see other schools getting represented on BroBible, and thought URI deserved a lil‘ recognition. Heres a link to show some of the carnage

Is this what happens when you play “Turnt Down for What” too many times while day drinking in New England?

Hey, at least they’re having fun.


Brandon Wenerd is BroBible's publisher, helping start this site in 2009. He lives in Los Angeles and likes writing about music and culture. His podcast is called the Mostly Occasionally Show, featuring interviews with artists and athletes, along with a behind-the-scenes view of BroBible. Read more of his work at Email: