Wisconsin Fraternity Allegedly Roofied Girls At A Party After Putting Red Xs On Their Hands

The allegations against University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee’s Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity are absolutely repulsing. TKE has been suspended for throwing a party where they allegedly targeted and roofied girls, “most of them freshman” according to a WISN report. One student has been arrested. According to a search warrant affidavit obtained by the Milwaukee Wisconsin Journal Sentinel:

Officers were called to Sandburg Residence Hall about midnight Friday after a young woman was so drunk she could hardly stand.
A breath test showed her blood-alcohol level at 0.20 — more than twice the limit of 0.08 considered proof of intoxication in Wisconsin — and she was taken to Columbia St. Mary’s Hospital. Officers noticed she had a red X on her hand.

Fifteen minutes later, officers were called to assist another severely intoxicated woman at the dorm. She, too, had a red X on her hand and was unable to speak clearly or walk.

As officers helped that woman, a man vomited in a nearby trash can. The man, who had a black X on his hand, told police that he had been drinking at the Tau Kappa Epsilon house.

He had a female friend with him — who like the other women had a red X on her hand — and she said to get into the fraternity house they had to know someone inside. When they arrived at the party, they received a black or red X on their hand.

female guests could purchase an index card for $8. The index card provided “all access to the house” and the female guests could use it to get free alcohol from one of the bars in the house. The woman told police she had one or two drinks and gave the rest to the male friend. She was not taken to the hospital.

Officers from the university and Milwaukee police departments went to the fraternity house about 1:20 a.m. Saturday and found numerous empty alcohol containers and several large piles of vomit outside the house. The fraternity’s president approached officers and gave them permission to enter the house.

Officers found 42 people drinking in the basement, all underage. One man was passed out and extremely difficult to wake up, officers wrote. When asked how old he was, he kept repeating “20 seconds.”

About the same time, the third intoxicated young woman who was subsequently hospitalized was located at Sandburg Residence Hall. A breath test showed her blood-alcohol level to be 0.225 before she was taken to Columbia St. Mary’s. She told police she had been drinking at the Tau Kappa Epsilon house and in a later interview told officers “you have to be hot” to get one of the index cards.

The officer asked if it was a special “ladies night party” and she responded: “No this is how it usually is. Girls always get wasted there.”

The woman told officers she blacked out and woke up at the hospital.

Police followed up later with the women who were severely intoxicated. One told officers that a Facebook posting said Tau Kappa Epsilon had tried to “roofie” women — that is, give women a “date rape” drug that renders them unconscious — during the party the night before. She recalled a fraternity member got upset when she went behind the bar to pour drinks and was physically removed. She also told officers she had a “weird feeling and sensation prior to blacking out.”

Others who attended the party told police some of the cups were moved under the bar while the drinks were being mixed and that several shots of vodka — a clear liquor — looked cloudy.

Disgusting. If true, let’s hope justice is served and these scumbags are thrown in jail.

Pic via WISN

[H/T: Gawker]

Brandon Wenerd is BroBible's publisher, helping start this site in 2009. He lives in Los Angeles and likes writing about music and culture. His podcast is called the Mostly Occasionally Show, featuring interviews with artists and athletes, along with a behind-the-scenes view of BroBible. Read more of his work at brandonwenerd.com. Email: brandon@brobible.com