Adam Richman From ‘Man Vs. Food’ Explains Why Pennsylvania Is The Snack Food Capital Of The World (Interview)

Adam Richman and Brandon Wenerd, Mostly Occasiaonlly Show

via Mostly Occasionally Show

I love food. I love talking about food. But nothing gets me more fired up than repping my home turf in Central Pennsylvania—especially its epic snack-food legacy. This is a region practically built on pretzels and potato chips. Snyder’s of Hanover, UTZ, Middleswarth, Nibbles with Gibbles—icons, every last one of them. It’s munchies heaven.

If you’ve ever had a burger at Shake Shack or Smashburger, chances are you’ve met Martin’s Potato Rolls. They’re made in my hometown of Chambersburg (near Gettysburg, for the history buffs). Fun fact: every New Year’s Eve, they drop a giant potato roll in the town square instead of a ball. Because, Pennsylvania.

The Snack Food Capital of the World? Yep.

That’s not just hometown pride talking. Pennsylvania is, undeniably, the snack-food capital of the world. We’ve even got a nickname: The Snack Food Belt. And when food-TV legend Adam Richman (yep, the guy from Man vs. Food, now hosting Adam Richman Eats Football on the Food Network) joined me on my YouTube podcast, The Mostly Occasionally Show, we had to geek out over PA’s massive influence on American snack culture.

Be sure to subscribe to the show on YouTube, leave a comment, or reach out if you have any favorite PA snack recs. I’m always down to hear about new local finds—because in Pennsylvania, we take our snack foods very seriously. Enjoy!

The Pennsylvania Snack-Food Belt

Adam Richman (on his time filming in PA):

“So during the pandemic, I was filming Modern Marvels for History Channel… We were supposed to film in Berwick, Pennsylvania, with Wise Potato Chips. And they said, ‘Can you guys shelter in place? We’ll do this in the new year.’ So I was staying in Hanover for a week. Snack Food Belt, right? Pretzels. You have UTZ, you have pardos, Perky peanuts, yeah, Middleswarth… That’s a classic.”


“So my hometown of Chambersburg is actually famously where… Martin’s Potato Rolls is from. Which is, now, it’s weird because growing up there… now they have exploded because of Shake Shack, because of their bun with Smashburger.”

Adam Richman:

“I want to say this not pandering to you. And I mean it in earnest: I think the snack and food culture in the United States would be nothing without Pennsylvania. People will think, ‘Oh, relax, really?’ Okay, Heinz, and everything Heinz has put out—global impact. The home of the pretzel, the creation point of the pretzel… Hershey built a freaking town based on his chocolate. Spawned forth Reese’s… TastyKake from the Philly area… Then potato chips: Wise out of Berwick… Hers is another—people who watch the American Office know that scene. But again, the York Peppermint Patties, the Boyer Candy Company out of Altoona making Mallo Cups… Philadelphia Cream Cheese was made in New York but named Philly because people associated Philadelphia with the best dairy in the country.”

Pennsylvania’s Food History: Why Here?

As someone who grew up in Central PA, I’ve always found it fascinating how this region became a snack powerhouse. Adam nailed it: Pennsylvania’s sweet spot is its blend of agricultural resources and proximity to major cities. That combo helped brands like Hershey, UTZ, and Martin’s Potato Rolls flourish.

“When you think about the history of it, it makes sense,” I told Adam. “Far enough from big urban centers to build up manufacturing, but close enough to rich farmland for fresh dairy. That’s why Hershey became Hershey. He was milk chocolate, through and through—literally worked in the Hershey dairy.”

Adam also told me about his recent Philly Cheesesteak Crawl

Adam also shared his recent, slightly overambitious cheesesteak crawl through Philly.  This is something I need to do, like, immediately.

“I just did, I haven’t posted it yet. I just went on a random trip to Philly, and I ended up saying, you know, I’m gonna do a cheesesteak crawl. And you—it sounds great in theory, but you know, it’s like, okay, are we doing this? And the thing is, right when you think, ‘I can’t possibly have another one,’ and then it comes out and it smells and looks like the things dreams are made of. And the first bite, even when it’s not good, is really good.” — Adam Richman

Where Adam Went:

  • Woodrow’s
  • Joe’s on Girard in Fishtown
  • Shay’s
  • Ishkabibble’s
  • Jim’s Steaks
  • Dalessandro’s
  • Chubby’s (across from Dalessandro’s)

Adam also mentioned a few he hasn’t tried yet but plans to:

  • Donkey’s Place in Camden
  • Gooey Looie’s
  • Carmella’s Café

In addition to the PA snack-food lovefest, Adam and I talk:

  • A steak dinner with Bryan Cranston
  • That infamous $20 Korean short-rib burrito from Erewhon
  • Adam’s upcoming series: Food That Built America and Adam Richman Eats Football, about Adam exploring the cuisine of storied United Kingdom soccer clubs.

Anyway, thanks for watching!

Brandon Wenerd is BroBible's publisher, helping start this site in 2009. He lives in Los Angeles and likes writing about music and culture. His podcast is called the Mostly Occasionally Show, featuring interviews with artists and athletes, along with a behind-the-scenes view of BroBible. Read more of his work at Email: