For obvious reasons, military bases and installations, especially nuclear weapons bases, are hot spots for UFO sightings.
However, most of those UFO sightings don’t result in actual encounters with the craft, or whoever is controlling them.
Which is exactly what happened in the case of United States Air Force Staff Sergeant Mario Woods, who was with the USAF Security Police in 1977.
While Woods was on duty guarding the missile silos at Ellsworth Air Force Base in South Dakota in 1977, he says he was at a control center outside the main base when, he tells the Disclosure Team podcast, “I just happened to look to my east which in the direction of Ellsworth Air Force Base, about 55 miles away, and … I see this light in the sky.”
“I thought what is that? Is that a helicopter? is that a B-52 bomber? B52s sometimes fly these training sorties at night and they fly at low level right over the prairie,” Mario Woods continued. “They would be practicing an attack run somewhere, to go high to low and come in then come up into an area and disperse their ordinance.”
It wasn’t.
Shortly after seeing this, he and his team were alerted by a signal that something had penetrated the perimeter of the base.
He and another member of the Air Force drove until they were about a mile away from the UFO.
“You could see this pulsation … these orange, red and white colors,” Woods said. “It was the strangest thing.”
As they got even closer to the UFO, Woods said they realized that this object in the sky was “the size of a Walmart building, and as long as an aircraft carrier.”
“I’ve been on C5 Galaxies and flown from from Korea to the United States twice on one, there and back, so I know the size of those things,” he said.
“They are minuscule compared to this craft, I mean that’s just how big it was. There was no noise, but it was only sitting 10 feet off the ground.”
He claims the entire area was lit up “like standing in a welder’s light.”
And that was only the beginning of the weirdness he experienced that night.
Mario Woods also claimed that while near the UFO he felt as if he was being pulled out of his seat while at the same time feeling a force putting pressure on his chest.
That’s when he saw something that today would probably be considered to be like a drone. But this was 1977.
So, when “a ball about four to five times the size of a beach-ball appeared just a few inches above the hood” and “shot around like a ping pong ball” before flying off, he had no idea what he was seeing.
But wait, his story somehow gets even more troubling.
“I saw these four beings, three small and one tall, about 20 feet away,” he claimed. “They weren’t walking, but they were all just moving at the same time. coming toward me. The small one that was on the right side of the tall one had a a wand or some type of a rod with a yellow tip on it that glowed in a way that brought my attention to it.”
After feeling like the aliens spoke to him without actually being audible, he says the next thing he remembers is it being five hours later and his vehicle was parked on a dam 10 miles away from where he encountered the UFO.
“The strangest part about that is the vehicle was facing the only direction in which it could leave in, and there were no tire tracks coming in there,” he claimed.
He says that when returned to the base he told his story – minus the aliens, because he was worried about the reaction it would have caused – and was ordered to sign a non-disclosure document.