Whatever You’re Doing It Isn’t As Entertaining As This Courtroom Sketch Of Anthony Weiner Crying

anthony weiner courtroom sketch crying

Getty Image

Remember that horrifically bad courtroom sketch of Tom Brady that took the internet by storm back in August of 2015?

It was SO bad that it transcended its awfulness and ended up becoming a goddamn masterpiece.

That was the work of the same artist, Jane Rosenberg, who also created this uncanny likeness of pharma-douche Martin Shkreli.

Well, she’s back and this time she’s somehow managed to top her previous work, which is almost impossible, with her latest courtroom rendering of now-convicted pedophile Anthony Weiner crying in court as his sentence of 21 months in prison was read.


That is solid gold right there. Especially when you consider the following from TMZ

Weiner’s team thinks he shouldn’t have gotten ANY time behind bars, especially because the judge acknowledged Weiner’s treatment program has shown promise. His attorney Arlo Devlin-Brown says the judge chose to make an example out of Weiner purely because of his celebrity.

No, the judge made an example out of him for being a pedophile who sexted a 15-year-old girl.

But wait! There’s more. More sketches I mean…

Aww, don’t feel so bad Weiner. At least your sketch is better than Taylor Swift’s was.

See ya in prison on November 6th, scumbag.

H/T The Daily Dot

Douglas Charles headshot avatar BroBible
Douglas Charles is a Senior Editor for BroBible with two decades of expertise writing about sports, science, and pop culture with a particular focus on the weird news and events that capture the internet's attention. He is a graduate from the University of Iowa.