Game of Thrones Episode 4 of Season 8 has come and gone and we have quickly gone from the Great War to the prelude to the Last War. The followers of the Jon Snow/Daenerys Targaryen alliance celebrated the huge victory at the Battle of Winterfell, but then they were soon marching south to attempt to remove Cersei Lannister from the Iron Throne and the leader of the Seven Kingdoms. Episode 4 provided plenty of fantastic Game of Thrones memes and here are the best.
There was plenty of heartbreak in Episode for including Gendry’s failed marriage proposal to Arya Stark right after he was named the Lord of Storm’s End by Queen Daenerys.
this is what arya and gendry’s relationship looks like pic.twitter.com/aKEV9FKH0g
— ziwe (@ziwe) May 6, 2019
Gendry's drunk proposal to Arya… #GameOfThrones pic.twitter.com/0PhigZDNCy
— Paul Sacca (@Paul_Sacca) May 6, 2019
Arya: You’ll be a wonderful Lord, and any lady will be lucky to have you, but I’m not a lady
Gendry: pic.twitter.com/LnOLiMSpem
— First Brokage (@bmthreezy) May 6, 2019
#GamesOfThrones #DragonsInTheBack
Gendry: Marry me. Be the lady of storm's end.
Arya: I can't. The murder game still needs me. pic.twitter.com/aKOleNU5ir
— Black Nerd Problems (@BlkNrdProblems) May 6, 2019
Gendry proposing to Arya… #GameofThrones pic.twitter.com/ddafYLerEw
— Paul Sacca (@Paul_Sacca) May 6, 2019
What do we say to marriage proposals? #GameOfThrones #DemThones #ThronesYall pic.twitter.com/a9QKdzSRtH
— Kristen Rawlins (@KristenRawlins) May 6, 2019
Bronn was being Bronn and negotiating a deal with who he thinks will be in power and who can give him a castle.
Sansa pinky swore that she would keep Jon’s secret and then a second later she blabbed to Tyrion.
#DemThrones #dragrace
Dany: ‘You must not tell anyone you’re a Targaryen’
Jon: pic.twitter.com/AMrovnsZij— pol (@yaboipol) May 6, 2019
Jon: swear you won’t tell
Sansa: I swearTyrion: I-
Sansa: #GOT #ThronesYall https://t.co/5LPG5GcdjE— kellie (@kellhendy) May 6, 2019
Jaime Lannister was declared “F*ckboi of the Week” after he took Ser Brienne of Tarth’s virginity and then ditched her to go be with his sister. Meanwhile, Tormund Giantsbane is heading back up north with Ghost.
Jamie and brienne pic.twitter.com/rXW8FlN2NZ
— D🌙 (@colourforsummer) May 6, 2019
Brienne: please stay with me
Jamie: pic.twitter.com/toCN7ydw3M
— pd (@boolin) May 6, 2019
Aaaaaand that’s how hardcore feminists are made. Wtf Jamie? Men in the seven kingdoms are a damn mess. @HBO @GameOfThrones #GoT #Season8 #DemThrones #Episode4
— T-Pain (@TPAIN) May 6, 2019
but how fucked up is it that poor brienne lost her v card to jamie and he went back to his toxic ex?? turns out even knights fall victim to fuck boys ://
— ellie schnitt (@holy_schnitt) May 6, 2019
Brienne to Jamie: you’re a good man. Stay with me.Jamie: https://t.co/8QT5AyTqf3
— Laige Pindsey 🌌 (@iironicaa) May 6, 2019
Jamie literally took Brienne’s virginity, made her fall head over heels, and then told her that he’ll always be more in love with his sister. The level of fuccboi! #GameofThrones
— Michael. (@yosoymichael) May 6, 2019
Why Brienne of Tarth was so upset that Jaime Lannister left her… #GameofThrones pic.twitter.com/meUssALYEY
— Paul Sacca (@Paul_Sacca) May 6, 2019
See, Brienne, Jaime got you looking like Boo Boo the Fool when you coulda been with a real man like Tormund #gameofthrones #GOTS8E4 pic.twitter.com/gwHxVPYF6R
— 🍊Cassidy (@cassigh88) May 6, 2019
Tormund when he finds out what Jamie did to Brienne #GameofThrones pic.twitter.com/Wk2EwbSr24
— Santiago Mayer (@santiagomayer_) May 6, 2019
*jaime lannister leave brienne in tears*
women: pic.twitter.com/FzsEWlwfmf
— Flaco (@gr00vy_lou) May 6, 2019
Ghost hearing he has to go North because the CGI budget deported him#GameofThrones #DemThrones pic.twitter.com/wj1JDyBx90
— Adnān Ragnarsson 🇵🇸 (@idooleyi) May 6, 2019
Tormund finding out Jaime left Brienne at Winterfell #GameofThrones pic.twitter.com/8AIYlAEV4G
— Tiquet Wan (@TiquetWan) May 6, 2019
Don’t worry Brienne. Most people’s first was somebody trash. #GameOfThrones #DemThrones
— Jawn Flick (@kidnoble) May 6, 2019
Tyrion Lannister had a touching reunion with his sister Cersei up until she had Missandei beheaded.
Tyrion just "Let me speak to the manger'd" Qyburn. LMAO #DemThrones
— Rod (@rodimusprime) May 6, 2019
#GOT #ThronesYall #DemThrones #gameofthrones
Tyrion to Cersei: “you are not a monster”
Literally everyone: pic.twitter.com/0RHlb0Ew4a
— T (@TupacsAliveee) May 6, 2019
“I don’t want to hear the sound of burning children” #GoT
Daenerys after she saw Missandei get Ned Stark’d:#GameofThrones #DemThrones pic.twitter.com/YCbigWBjPm
— GameOfKweens (@GameofKweens) May 6, 2019
Everyone: You don’t do have to do this.
Cersei: #GameOfThrones #DemThrones #CastleBlack pic.twitter.com/OedUXHzpZC
— Castle Black Podcast (@CastleBlackPod) May 6, 2019
Tyrion when he jumps off the boat #GameOfThrones pic.twitter.com/GnXUF8CWeQ
— may (@maymann14) May 6, 2019
Grey Worm suffered the loss of his life as he watched his beloved Missandei get beheaded.
Cersei: Any last words?
Missandei to the Dany & Greyworm: pic.twitter.com/VV2NfdgYRE
— Media Maverick (@ohitsjustjae) May 6, 2019
Grey worm might take kings landing by himself next week
— Patrick Mahomes II (@PatrickMahomes) May 6, 2019
I’m not saying Missandei should have pulled a Harry Potter with Cersei but….she should have pulled a Harry Potter #GameofThrones pic.twitter.com/hANL4jIKPs
— Rachel 💁🏻♀️ (@RaquelTheShell) May 6, 2019
Who will get the privilege of killing Cersei?
Me, when Cersei said to leave the gates open. Arya can wear anyone's face and she is on her way to King's Landing with The Hound. #GameofThrٍones pic.twitter.com/mM5o0XFRSh
— salmanelhesy (@salmanelhesy1) May 6, 2019
Daenerys is starting to show those Mad King genes.
Sane Daenerys saying goodbye to us as she transforms into the Mad Queen in the last min of #GameOfThrones .
#DemThrones #GOT pic.twitter.com/QSuyG6IG8c
— GameOfKweens (@GameofKweens) May 6, 2019
#Cersei blows up the sept of Balor, kills a whole family, kills innocent Missandei and uses innocent people as shields kills her husbands bastards but
DANY Is GOinG MaD WIth PoWEr sHE Is tHe mAD QuEeN #GameofThrones #DemThrones #ThronesYall pic.twitter.com/mMQ10eyqcc— 🍉🫶 (@Hayfzz) May 6, 2019
Euron Greyjoy figuring out the math in his head about Cersei being pregnant with “his” baby.
Euron’s the father? The lie detector determined that’s a lie. #GameofThrones #ThronesYall pic.twitter.com/bNI3Td3rJr
— Black Girl Nerds (@BlackGirlNerds) May 6, 2019
Then there are these accurate takes on Episode 4.
Me on the phone with the Game of Thrones writers after watching Arya reject Gendry, Jon getting rid of Ghost, Jaime leaving Brienne for Cersei, Rhaegal and Missandei getting killed and Dany starting to go mad all in the same episode #GameofThrones pic.twitter.com/JOqEunBfd7
— Nyx 🍉🍁 (@DarkNyx13) May 6, 2019
The difference between Cersei and Daenerys is dumbass Daenerys puts her trebuchets on the field while Cersei keeps her siege weapons and troops behind fortifications
— Comfortably Smug (@ComfortablySmug) May 6, 2019
62 Best ‘Game Of Thrones’ Memes For Episode 3 Of Season 8 Where Arya Is The MVP