As we seemingly say quite often about Bill Burr, he was certainly ahead of the curve on this one.
Following a week that saw rampant antisemite Kanye West well and truly bury his own career by coming out and declaring on Alex Jones’ radio show that he “loves Hitler” and people need to “stop dissing Nazis.” While this abhorrent turn from West might be coming as a surprise to some (certainly not those of us who have been paying attention), if there’s one person in the world who can say “I told ya so,” it’s Bill Burr.
Back in 2017, during his 2017 Netflix special Walk Your Way Out, Burr did a joke that compared West to Nazis and Hitler. Given recent developments following the former Instagram influencer, Burr’s prescient bit is obviously going viral over on Twitter.
“I’m pretty good at picking out psychos and it drives my wife nuts,” Burr begins.
“I remember she was one of the first people that got into Kanye West. So my wife got freaked out because I told her early on — she was lovin’ the guy — and I was thinking he was cool, then one day I saw him do an interview, he was talking s**t about how great he was. And there was just this look that was in his eye and it just made me nervous. I’m like, ‘This guy is, uhh… this guy is like, this guy is volatile.’ He’s making me nervous.”
Burr then begins to unveil the punchline of West’s way of speaking being eerily similar to that of Adolf Hitler. He continues:
“This guy is right on the edge of like snapping, right? She goes, ‘Ah, you’re out of your mind!’ And I was thinking, ‘I don’t know, I think this guy is f***ed up. And then I was convinced. Because one day I came walking in and she was listening to him do an interview and I didn’t know it was him. He was talking about how great he was. And, like, literally a chill ran down my spine, and I just started thinking like ‘No! No! Nooooo!’ And I turned, and I looked, and before it even registered that it was Kanye, my first thought was, ‘Oh, thank god… it’s just a Black guy.’
Burr’s point, as he’ll reveal, is that he believes if West was a “White dude”, people would’ve realized how much he sounds like a Nazi:
“Next time Kanye is going off on himself, close your eyes, forget it’s him, and really listen to what is coming out of this guy’s mouth. He says s**t like ‘I’m a genius, I’m a god, I’m Shakespeare. My biggest regret is that I’ll never get to see myself perform live!’ That’s a direct quote. Dude, you put that ego in a White dude, and he’d be *impersonating Hitler giving a speech*.”
Given how often Burr tours, we can only imagine what sort of jokes he’s currently cooking up about Kanye.
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