Columbia Pictures
Can you believe it’s been less than two months since Brad Pitt won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor? Less than eight weeks! It legitimately feels like it’s been eight months since then, that’s just how brutal March was. Remember when our biggest concern was assholes on the internet getting worked up about Parasite winning Best Picture? Ahhhh… the good ole days of February.
While it may feel like Once Upon A Time In Hollywood was released a lifetime ago, it actually hasn’t even been a full year since the film hit theaters. Still, despite the fact that the movie has been in our lives for almost 12 months, Tarantino is still spewing out new facts about the film’s production.
On a recent episode of Amy Schumer’s 3 Girls, 1 Keith podcast (which you couldn’t pay me to listen to even with Tarantino on), the Academy Award-winning director detailed what it was like filming that rooftop scene with Brad Pitt and how the now-56-year-old acting icon dunked on him for trying to give advice for how to take a shirt off.
“It was funny because actually in public Brad is kind of shy about things like that,” Tarantino said. “At the same time, he knows exactly what time it is. I go, ‘So, I’m thinking maybe you unbutton the Hawaiian shirt, and you peel that off, and then peel off the Champion T-shirt.’ He was like, ‘Really? You want me to go through all that button bullshit? I’ll just take it off in one bit. Go!’
“I’m like, okay, this guy knows exactly what time it is,” the director said. “Shut the fuck up and let the master do his job! Even when you see him in the work shed and the way he puts on the leather gloves and puts the wire in his mouth all butch and macho. He just knows what time it is.” [via Esquire]
If you’ve yet to see Once Upon A Time In Hollywood, it’s currently available on-demand and also recently just hit STARZ.
Eric is a New York City-based writer who still isn’t quite sure how he’s allowed to have this much fun for a living and will tell anyone who listens that Gotham City is canonically in New Jersey. Follow him on Twitter @eric_ital for movie and soccer takes or contact him eric@brobible.com