Here at BroBible, my dudes Chad and JT from Chad Goes Deep are on a quest to make the world a little more Bro friendly, one “Whaddup, council?”, beer bong, and fist-bump at a time. Their sacred quest to advance an agenda of all-out chillness is one that’s near and dear in these parts, especially when it comes to the bureaucratic world of politics and governance. It oh-so-rightfully aligns with my agenda of what BroBible means, as a digital publishing outlet, to culture at large; We all need a little more fist bumps and house parties our lives.
In the latest and greatest appearance at a Los Angeles City Council meeting, Chad and JT “get into the weeds on the new budge with our good friend/City Council President, Herb.” They have a few innocent suggestions on how to make LA a little more Bro friendly, especially now that house parties have been banned by the Bro haters of the world.
Here at Chad’s suggestions, outlined in the video above with a healthy “Whaddup, council?” –
-One… We need city-wide Wifi. Data usage has strained the relationship with my parents.
-Two… We need more places to work out. It doesn’t have to be a squat rack or anything, just more bars. New York has this thing called scaffolding for pull-ups. It’s pretty tight.
-Three… An anti-carbohydrate campaign similar to the D.A.R.E. program.
-Four… More Coachella. There’s 50 other weekends in the year. Let’s use them right.
-Five….. My green initiative. Everyone gets a beer bong. Red solo cups are destroying our oceans.
-Six… A 12-foot tall, steel statue of Paul Walker.Estimated cost: A mere 50-500 thou.
And here are JT’s suggestions, also outlined in the video from a recent LA city council meeting above.
-Seven… Streets where you can drag race legally and more safely. In a country called Germany, they have a road called the Autobomb (sic) where you’re allowed to haul. We could have The Fast Freeway. Imagine listening to “My Hero” by the Foo Fighters without a speed limit.
-Eight… Wave pools for inlanders. I’m a huge believer in the restorative nature of strongly moving water.
-Nine… Lightsaber research and development. I think they’re inspiring and I’m not alone. On another note, hoverboards, but hoverboards that actually hover.
-Ten… Free oysters on Valentine’s Day. They’re an aphrodisiac. Let’s encourage city-wide romance.
-Eleven… Repeal ALL “no shirt, no shoes” policies. We should be able to walk around shirtless!
Total legends. Chad and JT, keeping it real. Throw our two favorite hella chill SoCal dudes a follow on Twitter, Instagram, and check out their podcast, Going Deep on iTunes and Patreon.