Man, this Steve Hartman story from CBS Sunday Morning is what it’s all about. Pretty much the perfect human interest story.
Here’s the gist: Andy Gullahorn and his friend Gabe Scott, both of Nashville, go for a walk every Sunday, planned at the same time. They meet to give each other a high five before turning around and walking home. They’ve done it every Sunday for seven years.
Pretty sweet, right? High fives are an instant mood changer – impossible to get one or give one without feelin’ pretty damn good. It’s such a simple gesture that’s pretty much a smile factory.
The story gets even sweeter.
Gabe was hospitalized with a life-threatening brain illness, causing severe memory loss.
Without ruining it, the high fives from Andy helped.
Reminds me of the story I wrote years ago about the two best friends who shotgunned a beer together every day for years, either in person or via FaceTime.
This is beautiful, embodying everything great about Bro-hood and looking after your fellow Bro.
I’m not crying, you’re crying.
May we all have a Gabe or Andy in our lives.