I Love This Story About Two Nashville Bros That High Five Each Other Every Sunday


Man, this Steve Hartman story from CBS Sunday Morning is what it’s all about. Pretty much the perfect human interest story.

Here’s the gist: Andy Gullahorn and his friend Gabe Scott, both of Nashville, go for a walk every Sunday, planned at the same time. They meet to give each other a high five before turning around and walking home. They’ve done it every Sunday for seven years.

Pretty sweet, right? High fives are an instant mood changer – impossible to get one or give one without feelin’ pretty damn good. It’s such a simple gesture that’s pretty much a smile factory.

The story gets even sweeter.

Gabe was hospitalized with a life-threatening brain illness, causing severe memory loss.

Without ruining it, the high fives from Andy helped.

Reminds me of the story I wrote years ago about the two best friends who shotgunned a beer together every day for years, either in person or via FaceTime.

This is beautiful, embodying everything great about Bro-hood and looking after your fellow Bro.

I’m not crying, you’re crying.

May we all have a Gabe or Andy in our lives.

Brandon Wenerd is BroBible's publisher, helping start this site in 2009. He lives in Los Angeles and likes writing about music and culture. His podcast is called the Mostly Occasionally Show, featuring interviews with artists and athletes, along with a behind-the-scenes view of BroBible. Read more of his work at brandonwenerd.com. Email: brandon@brobible.com