Which Is Funnier? Paul Rudd’s Reaction To Being Named ‘Sexiest Man Alive’ Or Ryan Reynolds’ Reaction To It?

Celebrity Reactions To Paul Rudd To Being Named Sexiest Man Alive Ryan Reynolds

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  • Numerous celebrities, including Ryan Reynolds, have had some excellent reactions to actor Paul Rudd being named the “Sexiest Man Alive” for 2021.
  • Reynolds, who won the honor in 2010, joked that if he were to win the honor today he would be “going from town to town, sewing my wild oats like some sort of nude, magical gardener.”
  • More Ryan Reynolds news here.

So 52-year-old Paul Rudd is the sexiest man alive, huh?

Michael B. Jordan, Idris Elba, Dwayne Johnson, David Beckham, Chris Hemsworth, Channing Tatum, Ryan Reynolds, Paul Rudd?

Apparently so, according to the sexiest man alive experts over at People magazine. I thought it was going to be Chris Evans this year?

Speaking of celebrities like Dwayne Johnson and Ryan Reynolds, they had some thoughts on Rudd as this year’s choice.

At the Los Angeles premiere of his Netflix film Red Notice, The Rock told People, “Listen, my Sexiest Man Alive title is in perpetuity. It’s for life. Right? I don’t give it up. I am and will forever be Sexiest Man Alive.”

The Rock’s co-star in Red Notice, Ryan Reynolds, voiced his opinion on this year’s selection during an appearance on TODAY Wednesday morning.

“Of course it is. I just heard about this this morning. I’m very excited. I think that this opportunity will be wasted on him, like so many before him,” said Reynolds. “He’s going to play it shy. He’s going to play it bashful, humble. If I knew what I know now, I wouldn’t do that. You’ve got to seize this opportunity.”

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“Yeah, if I got it now, I’m not saying I would leave my family, but they would need to go on without me,” he added. “I would roam the world clutching my dog-eared People magazine, going from town to town, sewing my wild oats like some sort of nude, magical gardener. It would be amazing.”

The hosts joked that they hoped Rudd was listening to Reynolds.

“I hope he is too. Don’t blow this, Rudd,” Reynolds warned. “If you’re there, do not blow this opportunity. Run like the wind.”

The Rock and Ryan Reynolds weren’t the only famous people to express their feelings about Paul Rudd receiving this grand honor.

For his part, Rudd took the news rather well, telling People, “I’m hoping now that I’ll finally be invited to some of those sexy dinners with Clooney and Pitt and B. Jordan. And I figure I’ll be on a lot more yachts. I’m excited to expand my yachting life. And I’ll probably try to get better at brooding in really soft light. I like to ponder. I think this is going to help me become more inward and mysterious. And I’m looking forward to that.”

As for his wife? Rudd said she “was stupefied.”

Rudd is also already ahead of the curve, seemingly ready to follow the advice put forth by Ryan Reynolds.

“I’m going to own this,” said Rudd. “I’m not going to try to be like ‘Oh, I’m so modest.’ I’m getting business cards made.”

Douglas Charles headshot avatar BroBible
Before settling down at BroBible, Douglas Charles, a graduate of the University of Iowa (Go Hawks), owned and operated a wide assortment of websites. He is also one of the few White Sox fans out there and thinks Michael Jordan is, hands down, the GOAT.