Getty Image / Donna Ward/WireImage
The internet was taken aback by the gripping story about a man who found shrimp in his Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal. But the gentleman didn’t only discover shrimp in his cinnamony breakfast cereal; he also found string, dental floss, and rat poop.
The internet reacted with outstanding memes about the special Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal. Tremendous memes suggested that there was a cereal war between Cinnamon Toast Crunch and Cap’n Crunch, a Rubik’s Cube cereal, a nod to Nathan Fielder’s Nathan for You, a Mortdecai movie DVD cereal, and stupendous jokes on Twitter.
— bobbyhundreds (@bobbyhundreds) March 23, 2021
Hey I hate asking for help on here but I am asking you to be on the lookout for several shrimp tails that I seem to have misplaced. I haven’t been many places recently, just the car wash, the post office, cereal factory tour, an ATM visit, and a friend’s backyard. PLEASE HELP
— Paul F. Tompkins (@PFTompkins) March 23, 2021
I think I know who the culprit was, clearly a case of corporate sabotage. pic.twitter.com/JkIPEnWhmg
— dave perillo (@Montygog) March 23, 2021
"They've been acting fishy for years at Cinnamon Toast Crunch headquarters, hopefully now our voices are heard." pic.twitter.com/oEbjyzeOgV
— Bench Day Dre (@BenchDayDre) March 23, 2021
waking up at 6am from a stress dream, logging on twitter only to see that cinnamon toast crunch is trending because some guy found shrimp tails in his box and is being publicly gas lit by the cinnamon toast official twitter pic.twitter.com/Y9oA4gEoDK
— 𝘽𝘼𝘽𝙀𝙕𝙄𝙇𝙇𝘼 🔥 (@D00MBUNNIE) March 23, 2021
I think there’s something wrong with my Cinnamon Toast Crunch… pic.twitter.com/B5aBLSY6HN
— Diagonal Fishmold (@DanFinegold) March 23, 2021
Daily affirmation: Don’t let the shrimp tails of doubt ruin the Cinnamon Toast Crunch of your purpose.
— Patton Oswalt (@pattonoswalt) March 23, 2021
If you’re not willing to eat a couple of shrimp tails then I don’t think you really want the Cinnamon Toast Crunch enough
— BUM CHILLUPS AKA SPENCER HALL (@edsbs) March 23, 2021
Krispy Kreme is giving out free donuts to anybody who’s gotten vaccinated.
Not to be outdone, Cinnamon Toast Crunch is giving out free shrimp tails.
— Alex Pawl❄️wski🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️✌️❤️ (@AlexSourGraps) March 23, 2021
no one has ever found shrimp in our meat to my knowledge but if they did we would not say it was actually a crystallized frozen grease clump
— Steak-umm (@steak_umm) March 23, 2021
“To save their company, Cinnamon Toast Crunch needs to make cereal classy again, and what’s classier than shrimp?” pic.twitter.com/pXs2RgZh5c
— Elyza Halpern (a.k.a. possumgirl) (@elyzawithawhy) March 23, 2021
Ummmm @CTCSquares – why is there a DVD copy of 2015’s ‘Mortdecai’ in my cereal? (This is not a bit) pic.twitter.com/CkTFUPOjrS
— Lights, Camera, Barstool (@LightsCameraPod) March 23, 2021
‘There is no shrimp in your cinnamon toast crunch’ https://t.co/5JxXQjPyam pic.twitter.com/fmnoLr998u
— Ryallin 🔜 FWA (@Ryallin) March 23, 2021
Cinnamon Toast Cinnamon Toast
Crunch Employee Crunch Rat
realizing where his realizing where
shrimp cocktail all his damn
lunch done went treasures done
went! pic.twitter.com/MfuAdSmAO4— Luke Flowers 🐸 (@lafcreative) March 23, 2021
The internet thought the biggest surprise about the man who found shrimp in his Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal was the shrimp. They were incorrect. Shockingly, the dude with the fishy surprise in his cereal box is also the husband of the actress who played Topanga on Boy Meets World.
Jensen Karp — a writer, comedian, and podcaster – said he found shrimp tails in the box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Then things took a wild twist when it was revealed that Karp is married to Danielle Fishel Karp.
OK, this Cinnamon Toast Crunch/shrimp tails story is wild, but we’re burying the lede here…
— Brian Stanley (@Perminisconious) March 24, 2021
After the official Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal Twitter account said the shrimp tails were an “accumulation of sugar particles,” Danielle Fishel Karp chimed in on her husband’s cereal fame, “I am truly at a loss for words.”
"Accumulation of sugar particles." I am truly at a loss for words. https://t.co/TtIyEYplNe
— Danielle Fishel Karp (@daniellefishel) March 22, 2021
People could not deal with the premise that Topanga is not actually married to Cory Matthews from Boy Meets World.
finding out the cinnamon toast shrimp guy is married to Topanga from Boy Meets World is breaking me
— abby govindan (@abbygov) March 24, 2021
— Tony X (@soIoucity) March 24, 2021
The Cinnamon Toast Crunch guy is married to topanga and shrimp in his cereal seems like the perfect punishment for breaking her and Cory up if you ask me
— lindsey ok (@lindseyyok) March 24, 2021
Cinnamon Toast Crunch shrimp tail guy is married to Topanga and that completes 2021 bingo for me.
— Scott Hanselman 🌮 (@shanselman) March 24, 2021
Imagine saying “wow the shrimp cinnamon toast guy is married to Topanga” to any normal person
— Chris Branch (@cbranch89) March 23, 2021
Guys. I just learned that shrimp tail Cinnamon Toast Crunch guy Jensen KARP is married to Topanga from Boy Meets World whose maiden name is FISHEL.
— Jenna Golden (@jigolden) March 24, 2021
Me explaining the Cinnamon Toast Crunch and Topanga saga to my dad 🦐: pic.twitter.com/xNOnWOEZvS
— Spider FDR (@CranesNoSkyhook) March 24, 2021
Pictured here:
Boban Marjanovic
The Shrimp Toast Crunch guy
His wife TopangaIt was a good day for the Twitter app pic.twitter.com/H58vQKf8Fa
— David Jones (@tenaciousDJONES) March 24, 2021
Even Jensen Karp was shocked by the news.
Cinnamon Toast Crunch has responded to the shrimp controversy by issuing a statement.
“While we are still investigating this matter, we can say with confidence that this did not occur at our facility,” a spokesperson for General Mills said. “We are waiting for the consumer to send us the package to investigate further. Any consumers who notice their cereal box or bag has been tampered with, such as the clear tape that was found in this case, should contact us.”
— Cinnamon Toast Crunch (@CTCSquares) March 23, 2021