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When word spread that the iconic founder of Playboy magazine Hugh Hefner had passed away on September 27th the tributes rolled in a manner rarely seen for any individual. It seemed that literally everyone who ever met the man had nothing but kind and inspiring words to say about him.
However, Hefner was obviously not without his detractors considering the business he was in since founding Playboy way back in 1953.
What these people have failed to recognize was all the good that Hugh Hefner did and introduced to this world of ours. For just one example of his generosity, in 2010 Children of the Night presented Hefner with the organization’s first-ever Founder’s Hero of the Heart Award in recognition of his dedication and commitment to their cause. Hefner also had few peers over the years when it came to activism for civil rights.
Cooper Hefner, Hugh’s son, took to Twitter over the weekend to thoughtfully remind those who have been criticizing his father in death exactly what it was his dad stood for over his 91 years on this Earth.
The legacy of my father is straightforward for those that are not uncomfortable stepping outside of traditional sexual and social norms.
— Cooper Hefner (@cooperhefner) October 1, 2017
Understanding him starts by admitting to self that objectification is a defining and healthy part of sexual arousal for both men and women.
— Cooper Hefner (@cooperhefner) October 1, 2017
My dad spent much of his life fighting for his and others right to choose the life they want to live.
— Cooper Hefner (@cooperhefner) October 1, 2017
His activism in the civil rights arena, with LGBTQ, and in the health care space all link to his philosophy on healthily celebrating sex.
— Cooper Hefner (@cooperhefner) October 1, 2017
In his mind, the individual’s ability to make a choice around these issues represented and continues to represent the fight for liberation.
— Cooper Hefner (@cooperhefner) October 1, 2017
These values make up the core of his six and a half decade career.
— Cooper Hefner (@cooperhefner) October 1, 2017
Thank you for the immense amount of beautiful and supportive letters and notes to my family and I during this time.
— Cooper Hefner (@cooperhefner) October 1, 2017
And to you, we will love and miss you forever & you will be remembered as a freedom fighter, that time after time, chose words over weapons.
— Cooper Hefner (@cooperhefner) October 1, 2017
Well said, Cooper. Well said.