Crowd Cow Sources And Delivers The Best Direct-To-Carnivore Meat I’ve Ever Had

crowd cow pork meat delivery

Getting a package in the mail is fun, that’s just a fact. Whether I ordered it myself or its a surprise gift, I always get a little excited to open a box upon delivery. You know what else is fun? Eating BACON.

Now, imagine opening a delivered-to-your-doorstep box to find the best locally sourced bacon you’ll ever eat. Well, thanks to the heroes at Crowd Cow, this dream-like scenario can become your reality.

A couple years ago, friends and tech investors Ethan Lowry and Joe Heitzeberg wanted to ease the process of buying locally-sourced beef from small, independent ranchers who dedicate their lives to producing healthy, high-quality meats. So, they decided to crowdsource a cow – that way multiple people could get their choice of high-quality meat cuts from local, ethical, trusted farms. Within 24-hours, Crowd Cow’s first cow was completely sold.

Just a couple years later, Crowd Cow offers beef, chicken and finally: pork. Why pork? Because people like you and me need an easier way to get our hands on locally-sourced pasture-raised pork (ie, bacon, pork chops, chorizo, and more).

“We’re excited to be adding pork to our line of meat products. We’ve spent the last three years traveling the world to find the very best beef, from Olive-fed Wagyu from a remote Japanese island to Pennsylvania Angus finished on native grasses and ancient grains. Now we’re going to do the same thing with pork, so that consumers can have access to unique, ethical — and above all, delicious — pork from small-scale producers who are laser-focused on raising high-quality meat on pasture.”
– Joe Heitzeberg, CEO & Co-Founder of Crowd Cow

A few weeks ago, I got my first order from Crowd Cow. In one beautiful, meat-packed box I received: Italian sausage links, thick cut bacon, chorizo sausage, pork chops, and a bone-in pork butt roast. Each type of meat was individually packaged and labeled included information about the location of the farm from which it came.

For my order, the pork came from David Sensenig’s Sunny Pastures Farms in Harrodsburg, Kentucky. Thank’s to Crowd Cow, I was able to learn what makes Sunny Pastures unique and how this pork differed from other options:

At Sunny Pastures Farm in Harrodsburg, Kentucky, David Sensenig and his family are raising heritage-cross pork including breeds like Hampshire, which were originally developed to be adapted specifically to Kentucky. The pigs live entirely on pasture because David’s philosophy is that livestock should be fully outdoors, as nature intended.
The small farm is at the cutting edge of environmental practices, foregrounding rotational grazing, which allows the pastures to recover after the hogs have eaten the grass or annual species planted to extend the growing season.
Additionally, David feeds the hogs fresh-roasted corn and soybeans. The result of the fully outdoor lives the pigs lead, plus the delicious, fresh-roasted feed, is heritage-cross pork that’s the perfect balance of fat and lean, and extremely flavorful.

It’s true, you are what you eat; but its also true, when it comes to meat, that you are what you’re eating eats. With Crowd Cow, it’s nice to know exactly what you’re eating, where it came from, and that no one is trying to pull a mystery meat fast-one by you.

Now, I’m no Ron Swanson but I’ve eaten my fair share of meat… let me tell you, pasture-raised pork from down the road is as good as it gets.

Do yourself a favor, check out Crowd Cow and order some of the best direct-to-consumercarnivore meat you’ll ever eat:


Similar to David’s story above, Joe and the other founders of Crowd Cow have spoken to hundreds of farmers around the world about the craft meat revolution. In fact, you can check out their new book about the craft beef revolution here: Craft Beef: A Revolution of Small Farms and Big Flavors.


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