Daily Visuals: Former Military Bro Capturing Adventure From 70+ Countries, Over 300+ Cities And Counting

What’s going on, everyone? Welcome back to another edition of BroBible’s Daily Visuals, our new column to show off the visually stunning work created by the BroBible community. Yesterday we featured the badass work of @storm.runner, a photographer who takes incredible pics of his 4Runner doing what it was meant to do – Tackle trails and off-road like a boss.

Today we have Shawn, the man behind the camera at @wildcatwiggs. He’s visited over 70+ countries and 300+ cities, capturing some stunning moments at home here in America and abroad.

A note about DAILY VISUALS: We really want BroBible to be a digital destination that inspire wanderlust and adventure, so I can’t think of a better way to promote that ethos than by featuring the people capturing the world behind a camera. If you’d like to be featured in our daily showcase, please drop me an e-mail: brandon@brobible.com or DM BroBible on InstagramTwitter is cool too.

About Shawn, in his own words: 

I’m Shawn. Prior military. I used to do alot of traveling for work, now I just do it for fun. Trying to slowly document everywhere in the world.

Where to follow:



Body of work:

Note: All photos and videos are posted with the photographer’s permission: 







Brandon Wenerd is BroBible's publisher, helping start this site in 2009. He lives in Los Angeles and likes writing about music and culture. His podcast is called the Mostly Occasionally Show, featuring interviews with artists and athletes, along with a behind-the-scenes view of BroBible. Read more of his work at brandonwenerd.com. Email: brandon@brobible.com