Shutterstock / Brent Hofacker
How hot is too hot? That’s the question that countless restaurant owners have asked themselves throughout the years. Think about it, as a restaurant owner looking to put a signature spicy wings dish on the menu that will draw attention, do you serve an item that’s all but certain to make people miserable to the point that they only order it once and never try it again?
Sure, you can have a menu with all types of hot wings including dishes that won’t ruin someone’s life because it’s so hot, but where do you stop on the Scoville Scale? I love spicy wings as much as the next dude but this is where I stop: when I have to sign a waiver in order to eat the food because it’s that spicy. And that’s the precise level of spice at Dave’s Hot Chicken in Los Angeles where diners wanting to order their hottest wings made with Trinidad Scorpions, Ghost Peppers, and Carolina Reapers have to sign a waiver in order to eat them:
I’ve got friends who would absolutely love this challenge. I’ve been in wings restaurants when people have attempted this and their lives looked beyond miserable. I love spicy food just as much as the next dude, though, I tend to prefer spicy Thai, Chinese, and Indian food over jalapeño and habanero spice. I just can’t understand why this is fun for anyone and I’m not sure I ever will.