You hate to see it. But I love to see it. I’ve been waiting for the early divorce numbers to roll in, and they do NOT disappoint. 50% rise!! That’s massive! If you’re wondering who is benefitting from all this, we can now add divorce attorneys to the list.
NY Post– Divorce filings are skyrocketing from quarantine-weary and financially stressed couples, according to top matrimonial attorneys, who are experiencing a 50 percent rise in inquiries from potential clients.
Making matters worse, dramatic sways in the financial markets will further spur a wave of wealthy divorces, because richer spouses may decide they want out while their net worth dips — potentially helping them avoid larger settlements, legal experts say.
Unbelievable. Rich people are asking for divorces now while their net worth is down. Might the sneakiest, savviest thing I’ve ever heard. If you’re thinking about divorce, this is the most fiscally-responsible time to do it.
Silly me, over here thinking that the divorce rate would increase because people can’t handle being trapped together without anywhere else to go. You can’t go out and bang your side man anymore, so all that pent-up sexual desire turns to anger at the only person you can lash out at. Sure, there may be some truth to that. But I didn’t even consider the financial side of it.
If you tell your wife/husband you want a divorce right now, that’s cold. If you tell him/her you want a divorce right now because you want him/her to take half of a much smaller pile, you might be the coldest dude/betch in town. But you’re also probably a lot better with your money than I am.
PS- how sad is that photo at the top? I laughed out loud, then wept for that little girl. Even though she’s a child actor and was paid a day rate for that stock photo.
PPS- I always use both men and women when talking about this stuff. That’s how you protect yourself. It sure is tedious though.