DMX’s Love Of ‘Golden Girls’ Re-Runs Highlights Awesome Clips Showing The Rapper’s Softer Side

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The image of DMX sipping a Heineken and howling over Rose Nylund’s latest pickle as three Rottweilers stare at him, bewildered, is why we should never assume we know someone we’ve never met.

If you asked me before today where Golden Girls re-runs ranked on DMX’s list of cherished hobbies, I’d probably guess right below quilting and embroidery.

That was before I stumbled upon this 2017 First We Feast clip of Gabrielle Union detailing her experience with the rapper on the set of Cradle 2 The Grave (2002).

“Did you know that DMX loves the Golden Girls? That’s a real fun fact. He watches it in his trailer.

There was a dog biting incident with one of the PAs who was sent to go get him for set, and after a while no one wanted to go get him, so I would be sent to go get him because I’m a dog person.

And he’d be like *extreme DMX voice* ‘Have a drink! Let’s watch The Golden Girls! This shit is funny!’

We would have a Heineken, and sometimes a little Crown, and we’d watch The Golden Girls, and he’d laugh hysterically.”

Following his tragic passing, Gabrielle Union reminisced about the days in his trailer sipping on cold beers and watching TV Guide’s 54th ranked sitcom in its list of the 60 Best Series of All Time.

DMX’s alpha image didn’t produce much public interest in his softer side, but in the wake of his death, people have begun sharing clips of DMX being Earl Simmons.

Rest in peace to a forever legend.



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Matt’s love of writing was born during a sixth grade assembly when it was announced that his essay titled “Why Drugs Are Bad” had taken first prize in D.A.R.E.’s grade-wide contest. The anti-drug people gave him a $50 savings bond for his brave contribution to crime-fighting, and upon the bond’s maturity 10 years later, he used it to buy his very first bag of marijuana.