Paramount Pictures
Eddie Murphy is in the midst of making a triumphant comeback to movies and stand-up comedy. Murphy is set to reprise his role as Axel Foley for Beverly Cop 4, and it will stream on Netflix.
After years of relative inactivity besides being the cartoon donkey in Shrek, Eddie Murphy has risen like a Phoenix. This year, Murphy starred in the Netflix movie Dolemite Is My Name, which is giving him Oscar buzz for the role as entertainer and blaxploitation star Rudy Ray Moore.
Eddie is also returning as Prince Akeem for the Coming to America sequel that will be released in 2020. Eddie told the world that he was coming back as two of his most beloved characters in his career.
“Yeah, that’s what we’re doing after Coming to America, we’re doing Beverly Hills Cop and then, then the plan is to get back on stage and do stand up and then kind of that’s what I’ll be doing mostly is stand up and Beverly Hills Cop,” Murphy told Collider last month.
“I keep saying it, these movies and Saturday Night Live I’m looking at it as a bookend and if I decide I just want to stay on the couch forever I ended it on a funny note, and I’ll do stand-up if I’m feeling creative,” Murphy said. “I can get up on stage and do my standup and if, you know, some incredible filmmaker comes along with some great movie or there’s a great opportunity, but I’m not going to be making movies two-three a year like I back in the early days because I like to just be home with the kids.”
Murphy will be reunited with producer Jerry Bruckheimer on the fourth installment of Beverly Hills Cop. Paramount made a one-time licensing deal with Netflix to produce the Beverly Hills Cop sequel, and the deal gives Netflix the option to produce one more sequel. Beverly Hills Cop III hit theaters in 1994, but it was a disappointment at the box office and with critics.
Murphy will also return to stand-up comedy with a Netflix special, his first since 1987’s Raw recorded at Madison Square Garden in New York City.
Murphy will also return to Saturday Night Live, which made him a household name back in the 1980s. Eddie will host SNL on December 21, 2019, making it the first time he appeared on the sketch comedy show in 35 years.