Who doesn’t love donuts? Sweet, sugary, fried yeast rings. What if you could have donuts every day for a year? Quality pastry purveyor Entenmann’s is offering the chance for five lucky people to get donuts for a year and one lucky winner will get to be the company’s Chief Donut Officer. This sounds dangerous.
If you are selected to be Entenmann’s Chief Donut Officer, not only do you get a year’s worth of donuts, but you also get $5,000, which is the icing and sprinkles on top of this delectable offer. If you aren’t selected to be the company’s CDO don’t fret because Entenmann’s is giving four runnerup winners donuts for a year, plus $1,000. Still a great opportunity to become obese.
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You can enter for your chance to win at Entenmann’s website. That’s where you’ll answer some of life’s most wondrous questions such as “How/where do you enjoy eating your favorite Entenmann’s Donut?” You have until June 30th to enter to win this carbohydrate-filled contest.
Then the five finalists will submit a video making the best case for becoming the Chief Donut Officer. The public will vote on the next CDO and the winner will be announced on August 7th. Who knows, soon you could be putting “Chief Donut Officer” on your resume. May the carbs be ever in your favor.