Ah, school days… I miss them so. However, there are aspects of still being in school that I could probably do without. I certainly don’t miss studying for tests or cafeteria food, or, you know, all the people.
There is also the fact that depending on what grade you are in can change how you feel about going to school. For instance, being an incoming freshman is a far different experience than starting your senior year. They really aren’t even close when it comes to the attitude of a student.
This is something the internet is acutely aware of as thousands upon thousands of students head back to school in these comical “Freshman vs. Senior” memes that have been making their way around social media this week.
Example: How you feel about the first day of the school year…
freshman yr: mom i need 4 spiral notebooks, 7 composition notebooks, 3 red pens, and 9 #2 pencils
sophomore yr: mom i need 2 notebooks and a pencil
junior yr: this half used notebook from last will do
senior yr: aye can i borrow a pen and paper— saba (@s_arianpour) August 27, 2018
Freshman year: buys books one month in advance and makes map of where my classes are.
Senior year: don't know which classes I have tomorrow let alone what books I need for them
— Cody (@codyscollective) August 27, 2018
me going into freshman year of college vs me going into senior year pic.twitter.com/GdmnnLCS7s
— fiona (@fiiimurr) August 28, 2018
Freshman year: prints schedule, finds classes a week in advance, and puts on a new outfit for their first day
Senior: Throws phone out of anger when alarm goes off, hasn’t even see where there Class is, and wears jeans that have a stain from taco Tuesday last week
— Charlotte M. Hudnall (@charlotte_m_hud) August 28, 2018
Example: How you feel about your grades then and now…
freshman year goals: make straight A's!!!!
senior year goals: pic.twitter.com/ydpLrBKZ0w
— Janelle Valmeo (@janellavee) August 28, 2018
Example: How much your appearance may have changed…
How to spot a college freshman vs a senior:
Freshmen don’t look like they just rolled out of bed and came to class.
A senior does.— kelbs (@kelbylynngreene) August 27, 2018
Example: How your social circle has changed in four years…
freshman year: 100 friends
sophomore year: 50 friends
junior year: 10 friends
senior year: 2 friends
— Student Problems (@studentsstrikes) August 27, 2018
Example: How you feel about school by the time you are a senior in college…
Also, there’s this…
i start senior year tomorrow and im significantly dumber now than i was as a freshman
— sammy paradise (@lexxipro) August 19, 2018
Get used to it, sister. It only gets worse from there.