There’s a dad in Florida in a fight with his kid’s school over a Hooters mask.
There are so many situations that parents never thought they’d find themselves in. This kid is 11. Imagine, 11 years ago, this dad was handed his son in a hospital and told “oh and in 2020 you’re going to get a call from his principal about a Hooters mask.”
There’s no preparing for parenting. Situations just fall in your lap to which there’s no precedent in knowing what to do or how to react.
This dad can’t call his old man and go “what did you do when I got in trouble for wearing my Hooters mask to school.”
When it comes to parenting, this dad is just winging it.
Yes, that’s a Hooters pun.
Here are the funniest tweets and memes from dads this week.
Me: Let's go for a walk.
8-year-old: Why?
Me: Fresh air and exercise.
8: Is that a threat?
— James Breakwell, Exploding Unicorn (@XplodingUnicorn) September 17, 2020
This was easily my 10-year-old's favorite part of the Mandalorian 2 trailer. pic.twitter.com/k5nzrnF29n
— Chris Illuminati (@chrisilluminati) September 16, 2020
25% of parenting is resisting the urge to scream, "Get to the point!"
— The Dad Briefs (@SladeWentworth) September 17, 2020
you seem really upset here’s some terrible advice.
— Dan (@dadopotamus) September 17, 2020
That moment when you get a piece of popcorn kernel out from between your teeth but can’t remember the last time you’ve had popcorn
— Average Dad (@Average_Dad1) September 15, 2020
When a dad puts his ear to a seashell he hears a leaf blower.
— Dude-Bro Dad (@thedadvocate01) September 14, 2020
Was using the iPhone translation app with my kids and my 6-year-old was trying to translate his name (Bennett) to Spanish and the app heard “pene” so the voice said “penis.”
My son said completely seriously, “Oh, it’s penis” before his brother started cracking up.
— Andrew Knott (@aknott21) September 17, 2020
in a recent study 100 toddlers were surveyed about what they hate the most. 100 out of 100 said "clean windows".
— Dadman Walking (@dadmann_walking) September 14, 2020
Dad friend: Wow, that’s beautiful. How big is she?
Me: 9 pounds, 10 ounces.
Dad friend: awww.
That’s how we talk about our briskets.
— Shannon Carpenter (@HossmanAtHome) September 17, 2020
For some reason my family stopped watching the BBQ documentary I found for us on Netflix so now I will have to tell them about all the parts they missed.
— Simon Holland (@simoncholland) September 17, 2020