Court esy of HBO
What are your favorite Game of Thrones episodes? Do you rank any of the three episodes from Season 8 in your top 10? According to IMDB, this season’s Episode 2, A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms, earned a score of 8.8 and Episode 3, The Long Night, was given a score of 8.9 and boasted a whopping 17.8 million overnight viewers, which was an HBO record and 2019’s most-watched episode of scripted television.
Vulture ranks all of the Game of Thrones episodes and named A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms the seventh greatest GoT episode of all-time and The Long Night as the ninth best ever. Kit Harington who plays Jon Snow says that the upcoming fourth episode is one of his favorites.
Harington gave an interview to EW this week and explained why he is so attached to the episode immediately following the Great War.
“One of my favorite episodes is 4 because the characters have seemingly got what they needed,” Harington said. “The world is safe now. They’re celebrating and saying goodbye to lost friends. But as an audience you’re going, ‘This is only episode 4, something’s going to happen.’ And that’s the cool thing because I think the characters are aware of this as well. There’s something twisted and uncomfortable about it. It’s so Shakespearian.”
Episode 804 will have a runtime of an hour and 18 minutes and is directed by Emmy-winner David Nutter, who was at the helm for the first two episodes of Season 8 and the unforgettable The Rains of Castamere episode.
But for Emilia Clarke, she is most excited for Episode 5 of Season 8 because it is bigger and bigger is better. Episode 805 will not only be an hour and 20 minutes long, but it will be “insane” and “mental.”
“Which are going to be mental,” Emilia said of the final three episodes. “Episode five is bigger.” “I mean, four, five, and six – they’re all insane,” Clarke tells Jimmy Kimmel. “Find the biggest TV you can.”
The Daenerys Targaryen actress teases Game of Thrones Episode 5 at the 4:35-mark of the video.
You can watch the rest of Emilia’s interview on Jimmy Kimmel Live! below.
Here is the preview to Episode 4 of Season 8.