Grant Cardone Gets Roasted On 4th Of July After Tone Deaf Yacht Complaint

Grant Cardone

Getty Image / Gonzalo Marroquin

Everyone was busy celebrating the 4th of July on Tuesday but it appears some people had a poor experience in the most un-relatable way possible.

Well-known billionaire Grant Cardone took to social media during one of the country’s biggest holidays of the year, complaining about his yacht experience.

He shared a video of what appears to be his daughter jumping off of the yacht along with multiple complaints about the boat in question.

He ends the tweet with “WATCH before you charter and beware of BAD YACHT OWNERS” and it comes off like he thinks every single person in the world has the money to party on a yacht.

Grant Cardone’s complaint only hits home for other billionaires. However, everyone who isn’t filthy stinkin’ rich saw him complain about his yacht too.

He even shared a seven minute video complaining about his yacht experience, which is obviously super relatable.

Most people in the world don’t have the money to rent or buy their own yacht. There’s a strong possibility we’ll never even set foot on one.

So, as a result, nearly everyone roasted Grant Cardone with heavy sarcasm over his yacht complaints.

I said the same thing just the other day.

Grant saved this guy a TON of money!

Call him Neo because he just dodged a bullet.

Is there anything worse than yacht problems?

It’s hard to find good advice on Twitter these days.

Grant Cardone is a billionaire who made his first million at 30 years old. He’s made a majority of his money through real estate investments while also owning and operating seven privately held companies.

In addition to that, Cardone is an author and is often sharing videos or public speaking to provide financial advice.

Maybe he should stick to those kinds of videos, as complaining about his yacht experience really isn’t sitting well with the public.