Giant Green Fireball Seen In 6 Different States Sparks More UFO Concerns

green fireball in sky meteor ufo


With all of the recent talk about UFOs and aliens, spurred in large part by a government whistleblower, it is understandable that people might be a little more on alert for strange things happening in the sky these days.

Case in point: This week, the American Meteorological Society reported 29 sightings in six different states of a large, mysterious green fireball lighting up the sky.

The fireball was recorded on a Ring doorball camera in Gretna, Louisiana on July 14 at 4:30 in the morning.

Numerous residents in neighboring towns, including Madisonville and Eunice, also reported seeing the large green flash in the sky.

The Ring doorbell camera footage was shared online by AccuWeather, who wrote, “Ring doorbell camera footage captured the incredible view from Gretna. The American Meteorological Society reported 29 sightings in 6 states!”

That number has since grown to 52 sightings from Atlanta, Georgia all the way to Fort Worth, Texas.

The green fireball was also recorded on a dashcam

Accuweather claimed that the green fireball was a meteor and not a UFO, but not everyone was buying it.

“That looks A LOT like the streak in the sky in Vegas with the aliens in the backyard,” one person commented, referring to a bizarre encounter that occurred last month.

“I seen this first hand. This was not a meteor,” someone else claimed.

“No explosion so I assume we have aliens landed in Gretna,” another viewer surmised.

“Can’t agree that it was a meteorite because I saw no fire, but it was the most beautiful and scariest thing I have ever seen in 58 years,” read another comment.

Interestingly, it was just six days ago that a similar sighting took place in Bulgaria.

That too was explained away as nothing more than a meteor.

Luckily, no one was struck in the head by one of these meteors as they were drinking their morning coffee.

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Before settling down at BroBible, Douglas Charles, a graduate of the University of Iowa (Go Hawks), owned and operated a wide assortment of websites. He is also one of the few White Sox fans out there and thinks Michael Jordan is, hands down, the GOAT.