Jose Canseco Claims He Met An ‘Alien Ghost’ That Spoke To Him

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Former Major League Baseball slugger Jose Canseco has made numerous claims, some more dubious than others, in the 22 years since he retired from the game.

Interestingly, a large portion of those claims have absolutely nothing to do with baseball.

Canseco’s latest bizarre statement occurred, as usual, on his Twitter account when the 59-year-old randomly tweeted that he had met an “alien ghost.”

That’s it. That’s all he said. No context. No further explanation. Perhaps it was a followup to this tweet…

Amazingly, that isn’t even anywhere close to the strangest thing Jose Canseco has ever posted on social media.

For example, in 2020, Jose Canseco wrote a series of tweets about how he was going to teach “dream control seminars.”

“I am going to teach dream control seminars,” Canseco explained. “After you get your masters in dream control you will be able to enter a facility where you will be put in an [sic] coma induced dream state for whatever time you choose and be able to do whatever you want with no restrictions whatsoever…”

Not even a month before that, Jose claimed that he had been in contact with Bigfoot.

In 2016, Canseco asked then President Donald Trump (who he referred to as “little buddy”) if he could be the head of the Federal Reserve.

Then there was this “scientific” lesson taught by the former MLB All-Star…

“If we could get ammonia to Mars we could make an atmosphere,” he tweeted.

“By my calculations if we nuked the polar ice caps on Mars we would make an ocean of 36 feet deep across the whole planet,” Canseco continued.

“And then it appears that redirecting Saturn’s moon Triton to collide into Mars could make the planet habitable faster,” Jose followed up.

“Yes I DID think about the missing magnetic field,” he then clarified. “It is created when the Triton collision liquidates Mars outer core into molten iron.”

Got all that?

Douglas Charles headshot avatar BroBible
Before settling down at BroBible, Douglas Charles, a graduate of the University of Iowa (Go Hawks), owned and operated a wide assortment of websites. He is also one of the few White Sox fans out there and thinks Michael Jordan is, hands down, the GOAT.