What does it take to fuel the World’s Strongest Man? A lot, a lot, a lot of food. Hafthor Bjornsson, better known as The Mountain from Game of Thrones, unveiled his diet and hoo boy it’s a doozy. The hulking Hafthor Bjornsson stands in at 6-foot-9-inches tall and weighs a whopping 403 pounds. To say he has a hearty appetite would be the understatement of the year.
Ser Gregor Clegane from Game of Thrones looks like he is strong enough to wrestle a dragon to the ground. He has deadlifted over 1,000 pounds and does this insane four-set strength circuit.
The mountain of a man from Iceland requires an unholy amount of food to lift weight and stay in shape to be Queen Cersei Lannister’s personal security guard. Bjornsson indulges in seven meals every single day and they aren’t cutesy snacks of Mango Tempeh Lettuce Wraps. “I want to fuel my body with the best nutrition I can for strength,” Bjornsson told CNBC. “This is my job, and my body is my job, and I treat it as a job,” he says.
“I’m very disciplined and I’m very focused when it comes to training, nutrition, and everything, and I’m always prepared,” Bjornsson said. “And, that’s the key to success, I believe.”
The Mountain starts his day off with six eggs, six pieces of bacon and sometimes a cup of rice. Be careful with all of those nitrates Hafthor. The other six meals are interchangeable and repeated throughout the day. Bjornsson devours 250 grams (8.8 ounces) of ribeye steak with a side of 200 grams (7 ounces) each of rice, carrots, and red bell peppers. “For me, ribeye steak is the best meat for strength,” the Game of Thrones star says.
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CNBC priced out Bjornsson massive diet if he purchased the food from Trader Joe’s in New York City. To prep a week’s worth of food for just Hafthor it would cost you $426. According to the USDA, the average cost for food for men 19-50 should cost between $42.50 to $84.40. To eat like The Mountain for a year would break your bank account to the tune of $22,228.
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What it costs to eat like ‘Game of Thrones’ star The Mountain will shock you from CNBC.
The Mountain consumes over 12,000 calories to fuel his ridiculously exhausting workout regimens.
You can see The Mountain chow down on steak and rice at the 2:20-mark.
Here’s what it looks like to go grocery shopping with The Mountain at Costco because where else would The Mountain go grocery shopping?