This post is sponsored by Mirum but the opinions expressed here are our own.
Whether you’re gearing up for your team’s big game or mentally preparing to watch your team compete for the best possible draft pick, ’tis the season for game day parties and tailgates. It doesn’t matter who your team is, the star of any watch party or tailgate is FOOD.
Unfortunately, for me, this always meant choosing which of my favorite foods or beverages would prevent me from taking an L before the game even started.
Why you ask? Because I suffer from frequent heartburn – as in, every day but to extreme discomfort when I eat and drink some of my favorite foods and drinks.
I’m not alone, studies show that acid reflux is on the rise. If you’ve ever experienced heartburn, you know the discomfort and you know the effect certain foods and drinks can have on said discomfort. Foods like chili, wings, and pizza or drinks like beer, screwdrivers, and bloody marys all wreak havoc on us heartburn-havers.
So, what’s a dude to do?
Let’s be real: Giving up beer, pizza, and chicken wings is not an option – a life without pizza and beer is no life at all (keep reading, I can speak from experience). Thankfully there is an affordable, convenient, and reliable source of relief for frequent heartburn – Omeprazole Orally Disintegrating Tablets, aka Omeprazole ODT.

Omeprazole ODT is a once-daily, dissolvable tablet that works just as well for me as medications like Prilosec but with a cheaper price tag and it comes in a much more convenient form. Omeprazole ODT comes in a strawberry-flavored, dissolvable tablet that is easy to take anytime or anyplace – I don’t even need a drink to throw it back.
The Omeprazole ODT tablet genuinely tastes good and thanks to its MELTech formula, it is the easiest and most convenient medicine I’ve taken since the old days of Flinstone gummies vitamins (circa 1995).
I’ve relied on Omeprazole medications for years because they offer long-lasting relief from heartburn for up to 24-hours. This is particularly clutch when it’s game day and you’re marathoning through zesty snacks and greasy meals while focusing on all the activities that go into being a fan.
Thanks to this long-lasting protection, Omeprazole is the ideal choice for frequent heartburn sufferers like myself.
Before I discovered the relief of Omeprazole, I suffered through some of my favorite tailgates and game day parties. At times, I had to decide what was worth eating versus what the consequences might be. I absolutely love a great, homemade red chili but the acidic tomatoes and delicious fat from beef made for a brutal heartburn combination.
When I eat, I eat to win – so going HAM on an endless amount of chicken wings was always been a favorite game day tradition for me. But guess what, spicy buffalo sauce is more acidic than most could ever imagine.
Worst of all… beer. Yes, I even spent a few game days trying to avoid god’s gift to us all – ice cold beer. Alcohol sets off harsh levels of discomfort for me as it triggers awful heartburn.
Whether it is my team, my drink, or my plate giving me heartburn – I now rely on the proven 24-hour relief of Omeprazole. Additionally, I must admit, I try to be smart about some lifestyle choices when it comes to my heartburn – things like eating smaller meals (when possible) and not eating or drinking right before bed are proven to aid with the discomfort of heartburn.

If you’re new to heartburn or the benefits of Omeprazole, you need to know a couple things. First, Omeprazole ODT is not intended for immediate relief and may take 1-4 days to feel the full effect. One dose taken every 24 hours for 14 days is the full course of treatment. You shouldn’t take this medication for more than 14 days, or more often than every four months, unless directed by your doctor. Finally, if you’re new to disintegrating tablets be sure you don’t chew Omeprazole ODT or take it with water.
With the final few weeks of football upon us, the risk of heartburn is as higher than ever. Thankfully, I’ll be going all-out blitz on my favorite grub and drinks without the worry or discomfort of heartburn – thanks to a deliciously convenient Omeprazole ODT tablet.
To find Omeprazole Orally Disintegrating Tablets at a store near you, check out the store locator.
Good luck – may your heartburn and troubles dissolve away.