Getty Image / Raymond Boyd / Contributor
Do you know how you buy a bag of potato chips, and it feels like it is packed with salty potato goodness? But then you get home and rip open the bag, and inside you find that only 30% of the bag actually has potato chips? Apparently, women execute this kind of subterfuge when it comes to breast size. One Hooters waitress revealed to the world on TikTok how she makes her A-cup breasts look like full D-cups. I feel so betrayed.
Everyone meet Kirsten Songer, who works at Hooters and also placed in the top 10 in the breastaurant’s regional beauty pageant. The waitress also got to model for the 2022 Hooters calendar.
Songer isn’t just a pretty face, she graduated magna cum laude and with leadership distinction at the University of South Carolina. She’ll be attending USC’s School of Medicine in the fall. The student uses her intelligence at med school as well as to her advantage at her Hooters job.
Songer admits that she is not necessarily well-endowed in the breast department, “I have the chest of a teenage boy.” The 22-year-old even uses the TikTok handle of @theflathootersgirl, which has over 92,000 followers. While she may be the president of the itty bitty titty committee, Songer isn’t about to let that stop her from wowing patrons at the Hooters she works at.
Songer provided a tutorial on how to grow several breast sizes without all that expensive and pesky plastic surgery. The TikTok video went viral with over 16 million views.
@theflathootersgirl Super spy, catfish, same difference. #super #spy #catfish #hooters #girls #thehootersway #server #chest #fy #22
@theflathootersgirl Answer to @becky_rodzc this tutorial was definitely more rushed than my last one bc I’m late for work but hopefully y’all find this helpful! #hooters
Songer used a padded push-up bra from Amazon, that she claims adds two cup sizes. She then adds $9 silicone inserts that she calls “sticky boobs” to add another cup size. Is nothing real?!?!
“[The sticky boobs] are what makes the most difference in my appearance,” she told BuzzFeed. “It’s what pushes my boobs together to create the cleavage line in the center.”
Lastly, she adds some dark contour around her breasts to create the illusion of curvy cleavage.
“And now they look huge,” she boasts. “I look like I should be a Hooters girl.”
It’s time for guys to start sticking rolled-up socked into their boxers. Turnabout is fair play.