Royal Caribbean
Last week, Royal Caribbean’s Symphony of the Seas made its maiden voyage and you can tour the huge cruise ship HERE. This massive vessel is the largest and most expensive cruise ship in the world. This gargantuan cruise ship is 18 decks high and is 1,188-feet-long, which is about the length of the Empire State Building. The Symphony of the Seas weighs 228,081 tons and is approximately five times larger than the Titanic. The Symphony of the Seas cost $1.35 billion to construct, so how in the world does Royal Caribbean manage to make a profit on that enormous investment while charging less than $100 a day for an inside cabin and all-you-can-eat food buffets?
The Poly Matter YouTube channel answers everything you’d want to know about cruises and the cruise industry in this extremely informative video titled “How Cruise Ships Work.” They explain how cruise companies are extremely proficient at micro-managing every tiny detail and maximize everything.
Cruise ships carry massive amounts of supplies such as 70,000 eggs, 3,000 gallons of soda, and 15,000 pounds of potatoes. They need an extraordinary amount of food to feed the vast amount of passengers. For instance, the Symphony of the Seas accommodates 6,680 passengers and a crew of 2,200.
The video shows how cruise companies skirt around government regulations and laws regarding employment. The video also shows how cruise companies make most of their money from extra purchases while on the high seas. Moneymakers include liquor, specialty restaurants, excursions, in-ship stores, and casinos. Check out the video below and learn how cruises work. FYI, there’s a slick ad that starts at the 6:30-mark of the video.