Someone Broke Down How Much Screen Time Each Character Has Had In All 19 MCU Films

How Much Screen Time Character MCU

Marvel Studios

This is exhibit #41,684 why the internet was invented. (#41,683 was so we could argue about the meaning of “IMHO.”) Because without it being invented we would never know about a very enterprising person who took it upon him/herself to break down exactly how much screen time each character has had in all 19 Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) films.

It’s times like this when the internet reminds us that there are things out there that we didn’t even know that we wanted to know.

For instance, according to this person we’ll call ninewheels0 (because that’s their handle on IMDb), here was the breakdown of screen time (rounded to the nearest quarter minute) in the very first MCU movie Iron Man back in 2008.

• Tony Stark / Iron Man 77:15
• Pepper Potts 23:15
• Obadiah Stane / Iron Monger 22:00
• Professor Ho Yinsen 10:45
• Col. James “Rhodey” Rhodes 8:15
• Raza 6:00
Agent Phil Coulson 3:45
• Christine Everhart 3:45
• Abu Bakaar 1:45
• Harold “Happy” Hogan 1:15
• Director Nick Fury 0:15
• J.A.R.V.I.S. voice only

Interesting that Pepper actually got more screen time than the movie’s villain, huh?

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So, if you think that’s kind of cool, check out the screen time breakdown for the most recent MCU film, Avengers: Infinity War. With its massive cast of characters only six people got more than ten minutes of screen time in the two hour, 40 minute film.

• Thanos 29:00
Gamora 19:30
• Tony Stark / Iron Man 18:00
• Thor 14:30
Dr. Stephen Strange 11:30
• Peter Quill / Star-Lord 10:15
• Vision 9:45
• Wanda Maximoff / Scarlet Witch 9:00
• Dr. Bruce Banner / The Hulk 8:45
• Peter Parker / Spider-Man 7:30
• Steve Rogers / Captain America 6:45
• Rocket 6:00
• Natasha Romanoff / Black Widow 5:00
• Drax 4:45
• Mantis 4:45
• Ebony Maw 4:00
• Proxima Midnight 3:45
• Cull Obsidian 3:45
• Corvus Glaive 3:30
• King T’Challa / Black Panther 3:30
• Groot II 3:15
• Nebula 3:15
• Okoye 3:15
• Loki<3:15
• Col. James “Rhodey” Rhodes / War Machine 3:00
• Eitri 2:45
• Wong 2:45
• Sam Wilson / Falcon 2:15
• James “Bucky” Barnes / White Wolf 2:00
• Pepper Potts 1:30
• The Stonekeeper 1:30
• Princess Shuri 1:00
• M’Baku 1:00
• Secretary Thaddeus Ross 1:00
• Nick Fury 1:00
• Maria Hill 0:45
• Heimdall 0:45
• Taneleer Tivan / The Collector 0:45
• Ned Leeds 0:15

From the looks of that, Marvel didn’t seem to anticipate just how popular King T’Challa was going to be following the release of Black Panther.

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Let’s compare that breakdown to the other two Avengers-centric MCU movies.

The Avengers (2012)
• Tony Stark / Iron Man 31:45
• Steve Rogers / Captain America 28:15
• Natasha Romanoff / Black Widow 24:45
• Dr. Bruce Banner / The Hulk 21:45
• Loki 21:30
• Nick Fury 18:15
• Thor 18:00
• Clint Barton / Hawkeye 12:45
• Phil Coulson 9:00
• Maria Hill 5:30
• Pepper Potts 4:30
• Dr. Erik Selvig 3:00
• The Other 2:30
• Gen. Georgi Luchkov 1:45
• Councilwoman Malick 1:00
• Councilwoman Hawley 1:00
• Jasper Sitwell 0:30
Thanos 0:15
• J.A.R.V.I.S.

Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)
• Tony Stark / Iron Man 27:15
• Steve Rogers / Captain America 21:45
• Dr. Bruce Banner / The Hulk 20:00
• Natasha Romanoff / Black Widow 18:00
Ultron 16:45
• Clint Barton / Hawkeye 15:00
• Thor 13:15
• Wanda Maximoff / Scarlet Witch 12:00
• Pietro Maximoff / Quicksilver 10:00
• Vision 6:15
• Laura Barton 3:45
• Dr. Helen Cho 3:15
• Maria Hill 3:00
• Nick Fury 3:00
• Ulysses Klauë 2:45
• Col. James “Rhodey” Rhodes / War Machine 2:30
• Baron Wolfgang von Strucker 1:30
• Dr. Erik Selvig 1:00
• Sam Wilson / Falcon :45
• Heimdall 0:30
• Dr. List 0:30
• Cameron Klein 0:30
Peggy Carter 0:15
• Thanos 0:15
• J.A.R.V.I.S. voice only
• F.R.I.D.A.Y. voice only

For being the leader of S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers, Nike Fury sure doesn’t get a lot of screen time in their movies.

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Check out the rest of the lists of screen times for all the MCU movies here. Oh, and I suppose if someone wanted to they could add up all the screen times to see which characters have the most screen time overall, but… yeah, that sounds like a lot of work. Get on that, internet.

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Before settling down at BroBible, Douglas Charles, a graduate of the University of Iowa (Go Hawks), owned and operated a wide assortment of websites. He is also one of the few White Sox fans out there and thinks Michael Jordan is, hands down, the GOAT.