THE Inner Circle
Presented by The Inner Circle…
Dating fatigue is very, very real. With so many apps out there, you can get FOMO from not exploring every option, and end up swiping right or left on far, far too many people — like navigating the worst kind of hotel buffet that has been sitting too long under the heat lamps.
Can’t blame them – When you’re single, it’s only natural to take advantage of everything the single scene has to offer. But at what cost to the people actively seeking something more than innocent flirting over cocktails or a one-night stand?

THE Inner Circle
That’s why you need an app that gives you accurate, like-minded matches.
Enter The Inner Circle, a dating app that goes above and beyond to match you with someone with a similar mindset and tastes that’s serious about exploring a relationship.
This is how it’s different: When you sign up, you go through screening (a manual process where a team of experts from The Inner Circle check all members are who they say they are, and making sure their profiles have high-quality, clear photographs).
Catfish beware: This is not the app for you.

THE Inner Circle
Once on the app, you’ll need to give your profile lots of details and adjust your preferences for who you’re looking for. By neglecting the standard swipe right/left system, you can like, wink, and chat to people without matching with them first – giving everyone a chance to make a good impression.
The Inner Circle prides itself on being a diverse community, full of inspiring and ambitious people.
Aside from the quality of people you’ll find on this app, the other big draw is the change to attend events that are fun, not cheesy, and not like other single meetups.
The Inner Circle hosts parties in some of the city’s most sought-after venues. You get to rub shoulders with other singletons and enjoy cocktails and canapes in laid-back, relaxed environments. Who said the days of meeting across a bar were over?
So go ahead and make good on at least one of your new year’s resolutions… Your time is precious; you owe it to yourself to not have it wasted on bad dates.