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- The 2022 Met Gala was held in New York City on Monday night.
- The unbearably boujee event sees celebrities dress up in fancy Halloween costumes (and sometimes actual suits and dresses).
- One dude showed up in an outfit so absurd that people simply assumed it was the always-ridiculous Jared Leto.
Even when Jared Leto isn’t doing something ridiculous, he’s getting blamed for doing something ridiculous. And if that doesn’t perfectly encapsulate the reputation the (unfortunately) Academy Award-winning actor has accrued over the last decade or so, I’m not sure what does.
As I’ve written about quite a few times on this here website, the way Jared Leto acts — go ahead and Google “Jared Leto” cult real quick — is nowhere near acceptable relative to his level of acting talent. If Denzel Washington and Daniel Day-Lewis and Leonardo DiCaprio don’t act like that, why should Leto? And don’t even get me started on his portrayal of Joker.
Lately, though — as a result of his performances in House of Gucci and Morbius (the first movie to sell one Morbillion tickets, to be fair) — the culture seems to be getting wise to Leto’s act, as evidenced by the fact that someone showed up to the Met Gala on Monday night in an outfit so absurd that people simply assumed it was Leto. It wasn’t. It’s actually Fredrik Robertsson, who’s a Swedish fashion designer, or influencer, or something. That really isn’t the point.
Twitter mistakes Fredrik Robertsson for Jared Leto at the 2022 Met Gala
Correction: An earlier tweet misidentified Fredrik Robertsson as Jared Leto. We have deleted the incorrect tweet.
— The New York Times (@nytimes) May 3, 2022
If they leave this up for long enough, this man legally becomes Jared Leto https://t.co/bdcwtiJAys
— Emily Nussbaum (@emilynussbaum) May 3, 2022
Is this JARED LETO? Who wore this in the 1870s? pic.twitter.com/yo4tEhWzOr
— Kim (@TheKimbino) May 2, 2022
Jared Leto at Vow of the Disciple pic.twitter.com/242PzVGRQF
— D2 Postin' ⬛️⬜️🟪 (@destiny_thememe) May 3, 2022
Imagine putting this much effort into your look only to get misidentified as Jared Leto. The indignity. https://t.co/d1EyLRNAgQ
— Louis Peitzman (@LouisPeitzman) May 2, 2022
Jared Leto came as my sleep paralysis demon pic.twitter.com/4qZz1XNMnw
— Jenna Quigley (@JBomb11) May 2, 2022
IT IS NOT JARED LETO, IT IS THIS RANDO, HOW MORTIFYING https://t.co/TRt1fDF15l pic.twitter.com/cF6O6c8yrT
— Marie Bardi-Salinas (@mariebardi) May 2, 2022
with this look jared leto asks us, “what if bjork sucked?” pic.twitter.com/UJgFyLQJJI
— ambient ambien ambulance (@late_spring_phl) May 2, 2022
“My look was inspired by that apartment building with the eyelashes across from the Target on Santa Monica Blvd.”
-Jared Leto pic.twitter.com/zylI4An5n4
— Americana at Brand Memes (@americanamemes) May 2, 2022
Spot the real Jared Leto.
Is it A, B, C or D? pic.twitter.com/npLV5jT0Pq— Matti (@altum68) May 3, 2022
this man jared leto thought the gilded age was in 2007 with this homage to the windows media player. #MetGala pic.twitter.com/vYVTqBr4Pn
— Mr. Insect Ligaments (@DL_Smoothie21) May 2, 2022
Don’t worry, everyone (sarcasm): Leto did show up pulling a predictably Letoian stunt:
🕺🏻🕺🏻 @gucci
📸 Jamie McCarthy / Getty Images pic.twitter.com/ChMRH0u5Wk
— JARED LETO (@JaredLeto) May 3, 2022
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