Joe Rogan Under Fire For Saying Homeless People Should Be Shot

Joe Rogan Under Fire For Saying Homeless People Should Be Shot

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Podcast host and UFC commentator Joe Rogan has once again found himself in hot water over comments he made on his podcast The Joe Rogan Experience.

During a recent episode of The Joe Rogan Experience with comedian Tom Segura, the 54-year-old Rogan — while discussing the homelessness issue in Los Angeles — suggested that “maybe you should just go shoot the homeless people.

Joe Rogan suggests shooting homeless people in Los Angeles on a recent podcast episode

Tom Segura: When you see stuff like that on the streets, at least in Los Angeles or California, that’s protected property. Like by law. That’s that’s person’s property by law.

Joe Rogan: Oh, a homeless person’s property is protected?

Segura: Absolutely. If you were to try to move that or take that—

Rogan: You’d get arrested. Hilarious. But they wouldn’t arrest you if you shot somebody. Maybe you should just go shoot the homeless people.

Segura: I like your ideas.

According to a report from Variety, murders of homeless people in Los Angeles went up 47% last year over the previous year.

“The comments about beginning to kill homeless people hits too close to reality for any comfort, because murders of homeless people in Los Angeles went up 47% last year over the previous year…. There is a bit of an unfortunate vigilantism already in Los Angeles towards people devastated by homelessness and they don’t need any encouragement,” said Andy Bales, who serves as president and CEO of the downtown L.A. homeless shelter Union Rescue Mission.

These comments about homeless people are just the latest incendiary remarks from Rogan to cause a backlash, who seemingly makes weekly headlines with something he says on his podcast.

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Eric Italiano is a NYC-based writer who spearheads BroBible's Pop Culture and Entertainment content. He covers topics such as Movies, TV, and Video Games, while interviewing actors, directors, and writers.