YouTube TV-style series didn’t take off the way some expected, but I’ll definitely be tuning in to Jon Davis Gets a Sex Robot after watching this trailer. It stars Chris Jericho. Enough said.
“Jizz it up, bro!” might be the world’s best catchphrase. This seems right up Jericho and Garfunkel (or Oates) alley, but I just can’t stop picturing Michael McMillian as the gay reverend turned double-dead vampire from True Blood. I’ll get over it though because the show looks spectacular.
Before they were married, Layla promised her fiance Jon Davis that if perfectly human sex robots were invented, he could fulfill his life-long dream of owning one. She thought it would never happen. Now it’s five years later, sex robots have been invented, and the Davises have a new, sexy, robotic member of the household. But instead of being an erotic wish fulfillment for the permanently awkward Jon, his sex robot-ownership threatens to upend his marriage, his friendships, and his sanity.