Getty Image / Omar Marques/SOPA Images/istock/Ajax9
UPDATE: Wow. In her latest update Katie Santry says there are no bodies despite two body sniffing dogs finding them
This is, without question, the best possible outcome there could have been. Katie Santry announced they had found ‘no bodies’ in this video below which begs the question of why both body-sniffing dogs marked spots and led to the excavators tearing up her yard. Here’s the video of Katie Santry feeling relief after the news:
they discovered…NOTHING pic.twitter.com/26ZbtHLfTg
— Kristi Yamaguccimane (@TheWapplehouse) October 4, 2024
Katie Santry in Columbus, Ohio has absolutely exploded on TikTok over the past few days and it’s developed into what is probably the biggest TikTok story of the year. If you haven’t seen any videos about ‘TikTok woman finds human remains in backyard’ yet then just wait, you’ll get there because her videos are raking in millions of views as people, myself included, are in disbelief at the chain of events with specialized human remains-sniffing dogs confirming suspicions.
Updated With The Current Live Stream Video Below
First I’ll break down this ‘woman finds human remains, goes viral on TikTok‘ story and then the videos are blow. It started just five days ago with a video from Katie Santry explaining how she believed her house was haunted. Some stuff was moved around and a screen was cracked. From there, things got weird in a hurry…
She went on to explain that they were building a fence. Then they discovered a rug underneath the soil. Why else would a rug be there other than to wrap something up and bury it, right? So she called the police who came out to investigate. The police started to dig but then called the chief and he was like ‘meh, we don’t have the resources for this’ so they moved on.
As Katie Santry was getting ready to move on herself a homicide unit contacted her and asked if they could bring out some dogs that are trained to sniff for human remains. She agreed to it and was filming when both of the dogs who are highly-specialized human remains-sniffing canines sat on the spots to mark the presence of human remains. It’s at this point her entire home became a crime scene and local news in Columbus has picked up the story as well.
Meanwhile, she is recording all of this and putting it all on TikTok for the world to see so the True Crime community is going absolutely nuts for these videos. Now, for people who want to dive into the videos let’s check out the best ones (in order).
Woman Finds Human Remains In Backyard, Goes Insanely Viral On TikTok
Here, Katie Santry believes her house is haunted:
@katiesantry I think my house is haunted!!!! #ghosthunting #ghosts
Then we find the rug. Questions are asked. WHY IS THERE A RUG buried in the backyard?!
@katiesantry Replying to @heyhunnies_samanthahere Trying to sih up this rug
The tree that is planted above the buried rug is a ‘Bloodgood Tree’ which some people claims is supposed to bring peace but the name has ‘blood’ in it and that’s immediately suss to me.
@katiesantry Replying to @Jocelyn Shapcott #hauntedtiktok #hauntedplaces #ghosts
Skipping ahead a few, she called the police. They’re on their way:
@katiesantry Replying to @Move Forward with KV I called, the police are coming to take a look. #hauntedtiktok #hauntedhouse #rug
The police are baffled. She’s baffled. But it’s evident that something is not right.
@katiesantry Replying to @Julie Duncan Ok this is the last one i swear. What an adventure. #hauntedtiktok #hauntedhouse #rug
Homicide Detectives Bring Dogs To Sniff For Human Remains After TikTok Videos
She has to be the first person in TikTok history that’s had a team of homicide investigators bring out dogs trained to sniff for human remains after her videos went viral.
@katiesantry OMG DETECTIVES ARE COMING WITH THE DOGS!!!!!! #hauntedtiktok #rugtok #hauntedhouse
The dog sat on the spot to mark human remains:
@katiesantry Here is the video of the dog hit
As of this morning, as of 30 MINUTES AGO, her home is now a full-blown crime scene and they are set to excavate the backyard and look for any human remains and anything else that might be buried down there:
@katiesantry Theyre here and ready to dig.
If you are not on Katie Santry TikTok yet then I hope this helped. I’ve seen some videos recapping the situation and adding context about the neighbors.
UPDATE: There’s A Live Stream of The Digging!
Currently, there is an ABC6 live stream of the digging. People in the comments on Katie Santry’s videos claim that “at 40 minutes and 50 seconds it sounds like Katie is crying and screaming ‘oh my gosh.'” Others in the comments claim to have heard officers saying ‘multiple bodies’ but I have not been able to confirm any of that at the time stamps:
At some point, if it turns out to be confirmed as human remains then we will likely stop receiving information because it has become an active crime scene and her posting TikTok videos with millions of views could compromise that crime scene. In the meantime, this is must-watch TikTok.