This band made up of four kids (My apologies to the lead singer who is 18-years-old) from Australia is absolutely incredible. Musical talent is not lacking for the Melbourne-based band MixedUpEverything, but the crazy part is that all four members of the band are brothers. The Hanson bros had better watch their back because there’s a new band of brothers.
MixedUpEverything is made up of four teenage brothers; lead singer Todd Dhima who is 18, drummer Kevin who is 16, guitarist Blake who is 15, and bassist Koby who is 13-years-old. “We’ve been playing together since we were babies,” says Todd. “I bought our first real guitar at the age of eight.”
But there is nothing childlike about their music; they completely crush covers of some modern rock classics. They take on and destroy songs from Pearl Jam, Metallica, Nirvana, Foo Fighters, Blink 182, and Alice in Chains. “We’ve been playing seriously and doing covers of The Offspring, Red Hot Chili Peppers and Metallica etc., since I was 10,” says Todd.
Their latest cover is Pearl Jam’s “Even Flow,” which is no walk in the park for musicians of any age. They performed an acoustic version of Metallica’s “Nothing Else Matters” on the streets of Melbourne that has nearly 500,000 views on YouTube.
But cover songs are just the beginning. “We don’t want to be known as this ‘sick cover band’ on Youtube,” says Todd. “We want to bring back good old-fashioned kick-ass rock. No computers, no crap!”
The band has been putting in 11-hour days and working tirelessly on their debut album titled Ex Nihilo. It is currently being mixed and mastered.
“We will be the next biggest thing,” says Todd. “Our main goal is selling out Wembley and our own Rod Laver Arena.”
Good luck gentlemen!