Kirk Cousins Pulls Up To Third NFL Game Of 2023 Looking Like The Ultimate Suburban Dad

Kirk Cousins Viral Shirt Wife Pick Clothes Outfit
Getty Image / iStockphoto

Where Kirk Cousins used to be the butt of every joke, the Minnesota Vikings quarterback has quickly become one of the most likable players in the NFL. His participation in the Netflix series ‘Quarterback’ revealed that he legitimately could not be a nicer guy who is just trying to live his life with his faith and family at the forefront.

It doesn’t get much more wholesome than that!

The show also disclosed a secret about his game day outfits. Cousins does not dress himself for Sundays. His wife, Julie, picks out her husband’s clothes for his walk into the stadium and postgame press conference. Kirk is more than okay with that arrangement, even though it has led to some unique style choices in the past!

Julie’s decisions also led her husband to reach viral status for wearing the most normal, casual dad shirt in NFL history last September. Neither she nor her husband expected it to blow up like it did, but boy did it!

Kirk Cousins Viral Shirt Wife Pick Clothes Outfit
Minnesota Vikings

Although there were plenty of haters, the Cousins household’s choice of shirt led to a partnership with Kohl’s. The department store and the Vikings signal-caller are a match made in heaven!

It was a big part of Kirk’s outfit, laid out by Julie, in Week 2.

Kirk Cousins Viral Shirt Wife Pick Clothes Outfit
Julie Cousins / Instagram

Kohl’s also played a big role in Cousins’ outfit for Week 3! He arrived to U.S. Bank Stadium wearing the store’s “dad-style” fall wardrobe line.

The plaid shirt with khaki shorts combo was great, but tying it in with white shoes made it even better. And then the one-strapped backup really brought it all to perfection.

Cousins looked like a combination of your average midwest dad, and a high schooler before a big presentation. Here is how it came together:

Cousins often gets a bad rap for his semi-goofy, quiet demeanor. Some of it is warranted, but he continues to silence the haters by leaning into who he is and embracing himself— Kohl’s and all!


Grayson Weir BroBible editor avatar
Senior Editor at BroBible covering all five major sports and every niche sport imaginable, found primarily in the college space. I don't drink coffee, I wake up jacked.