The Two LA Bros Fighting For Your Right To Party Showed Back Up To A City Council Meeting

Last week we told you about Chad and JT, two Bro heroes fighting for your right to throw house parties at Los Angeles City Council meetings.

That wasn’t their first meeting, however. They returned to a Los Angeles City Council meeting to continue their quest. Once again, when the floor opened to the public, Chad and JT stepped up to tell everyone about the greatness of house parties.

It’s important to note that these are the same Bros who asked the city of San Clemente to erect a 12-foot statue of Paul Walker. Hopefully their quest to throw ragers doesn’t fall on deaf ears in Los Angeles County.

These two Bros are the heroes we need in the world…

Go follow them because they’re only going to get bigger… 

Brandon Wenerd is BroBible's publisher, writing on this site since 2009. He writes about sports, music, men's fashion, outdoor gear, traveling, skiing, and epic adventures. Based in Los Angeles, he also enjoys interviewing athletes and entertainers. Proud Penn State alum, former New Yorker. Email: